Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Monday Blog-Sistahs!

Sorry I didn't post over the last few days.
I know you understand. With all the children and dogs and family and events,
and computer logistics and the dry air.....
I just couldn't get in the blogging zone.

I need peace and quiet to write for Quiet Life, don't cha know?


I adore all the hustle and bustle of a family wedding weekend. Love it!
It just doesn't go well with blogging.

However, I took enough pictures to post till Kingdom come :o)

And just to drive home the point that I am a portrait photographer....


I took over 1500 pictures and this is the one of four pictures that are not of a person.


Or a dog.

The first morning I work up at Janet's house I took my camera out to the back yard to see the dogs.
No one else was awake yet.


I knew their names. Dylan and Cosmo. Cosmo and Dylan.

And the Golden was very friendly and happy and acting like a Golden.

So I was snapping away at Dylan and trying to make him look at me and be a good little model.
And he was wiggly and hyper.

"Oh Dylan. Good boy. Hey Dylan. Common' buddy. Look here. Dylan. DYLAN."

I don't have a lot of experience with dogs. But you know, I love em.

So It was time to take Cosmo's picture.

Hey Cosmo!


Hey Cosmo! Look at me! Good doggie! Common' buddy. Hey. Cosmo. Cosmo. COSMO!!!

And Cosmo was not really interested in looking at me.

But Dylan, who was standing behind him was going WILD.

Dylan was barking and wagging his tail and putting up a huge fuss.
Yes. Dylan has jealousy issues.

That figures. Goldens.


(See him barking?)

I decided to wrap it up and go inside since it was before seven am and I was afraid I was going to wake up the whole neighborhood and household!!

So I go inside. And tell Janet that that sassy Golden, Dylan. was going to wake the dead.

And she says.

Cosmo is the Golden.



Never mind. :o)

Encourage one another,

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