Friday, December 11, 2015

Cookie Traditions

Matthew and Melinda and the boys are coming for Christmas this year!  We can't wait.
Asher is looking forward to making cookies with his Grandpa.
Malachi says grandpa really funny and I can't remember exactly what it is right now.  Melinda will tell you.  It's super cute and funny.  Like gunpa??

Any way.

Christmas means Patrick makes cookies.
It's a tradition and it's a good one!

When we were growing up our dad brought cookies home from the bakery in Chicago.
They were very pretty but not really tasty.
They were big cookies with a paper image of Santa 'glued' on them.
They may have been gingerbread...but I'm not exactly sure.

So now when I see beautifully decorated cookies, I appreciate their loveliness...
but I actually can't imagine that they are tasty and moist.

Let me look on Google to see if I can't find a paper decorated Santa cookie....

I can't really find an exact thing... but the Santa was like this Santa.

I see rectangle cookies with paper images on the google..
but I remember  our bakery's being a shape like the Santa.
Oh to have a picture....

Wishing you warm Christmas memories and traditions that continue from year to year!


  1. Bunka. I am still hoping it sticks. No one else in the world has a bunka.

    1. Oh, I love it! Maybe the others will pick it up, too.

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Bunka is a PERFECT name. I hope it sticks, too. And those cookies? Um, my mouth is watering just looking at them. I know not to ask for the recipe, but can I have the recipe? (-:


  2. I am delighted for you to share Christmas with Matthew and Melinda and the darling boys. Cookies with your hubby (bunka, so cute!) will certainly be a highlight :-)

    I gotta say, those cookies look Scrumptious!!

    P.S. the Santa cookie sounds (and the picture looks) like a cookie they have here. Dark and spicy, though. Very much like gingerbread.

  3. Those cookies look like they would melt in your mouth!

    I have baked cookies with kids since way before I had any kids. It was my nieces and then my own children then my children's friends, etc. Now I'm enjoying baking with my grandchildren. My daughter posted something on facebook about Cookie Decorating with Kids (actual and imagined). (I can't find the picture anywhere except here: It's hilarious and it's so true. I do it to make memories, not pretty cookies. My daughter requested I send some "adult made" cookies to her when we finish. ;)

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      I have always thought that the messy looking cookies taste best. ;-) jep

  4. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Bunka is so sweetly endearing coming from your cute little guy, I like it!
    What joy to have them for Christmas. We will pray Traveling Mercies for them.
    love and prayers, jep

  5. Oh the excitement of having all your grandchildren with you to celebrate Christmas! Many laughs and I'm sure a very busy house. And fun pictures I am sure. Enjoy the anticipation.

  6. Enjoy your Bunka-made cookies and time together! Those cookies truly look melt in your mouth delicious. :)

  7. Terri R.3:43 PM

    Did you post the recipe to Patrick's cookies at one time?

  8. Oh! I am so excited for you to be with the grandkids! What can be better than that? I hope you have the most wonderful time together.


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