Saturday, November 10, 2018

Four kisses when you wake....

Four candles on your cake....

Today is Zeek's birthday.  I watched the boys while Melinda was at the hospital.  That was the fall Emma was diagnosed with epilepsy.  I was thankful to be with Emma most of October, be there for Matthew and Melinda and then scoot back to Chicago....
It was one of those times in life....
when the delight of new birth and joy was mixed right in with fear and illness.
It happens this way a lot doesn't it?

Love you one and all as you navigate your lovely,  
bewildering, frightening, beautiful, life.

Hope is right around the corner.


A helmet helps.


  1. Hard to believe he’s already 4 years old!! Beautiful words. May we all have just the helmet we need.

  2. Missed you. Welcome back. Happy family.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Oh Donna, your words always touch me. Navigating life here, and so thankful for the joy and delight that balance out the fear and hard things. Blessings to your wonderful family and Happy Birthday to your darling grandson Zeek.

    Debbie Z.
    P.S. Those are amazing newborn photos of Zeek. The ones with his hand resting up against his cheek are just beautiful.

  4. Those photos are just beautiful. You have a great way with infusing beautiful sentiments while staying real. Thank you.

  5. Always lovely to see precious family photos. Beautiful family.

    God bless all the Bouchers!

  6. Happy birthday, little man! I've missed your posts, Donna. Hope you are well.


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