Tuesday, December 24, 2019

twenty kisses when you wake

Not even a cupcake this year.  
Katie is 20 years old today...
and she is sick.  So we've laid low and watched movies and decided to save the chocolate pie for a different day. 

Paulie is with us this year!  I made him meatloaf, mashed potatoes and pork and beans for dinner and he was delighted.  He is also thrilled that we have ME tv and he can watch all of his favorites;  McHale's Navy, Perry Mason and Green Acres.

My little Degas.

Happy Birthday dear Katie.

Our beloved caboose.

Love Always,


  1. Happy Birthday and healing wishes for Katie. Merry Christmas to all!

  2. Happy birthday, Katie, and feel better soon!
    Merry Christmas, dear Donna!

  3. A Happy BIrthday to Katie and good health and recovery!

  4. Aww, poor Katie! Hope she’s feeling better soon! Merry Christmas!!❤️🎄🎅🏻

  5. Belated Happy Birthday Katie.
    Praying you are feeling better soon!
    Love and prayers,jep

  6. Happy Birthday, Katie! May your next year be filled with live and blessings. Are you enjoying Bennington?


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