Friday, May 01, 2020

God will care for us.

How about this perfect Wisconsin shirt?
The Midwest Girl is so much fun!

I've wanted to share this charming, informative piece by talented artist

I have two of K. Barteski's  pieces coming in the mail soon.
I'll share them when they arrive. 
I've been doing quite a bit of retail therapy the last few months.
This is unusual for me...but these are unusual times.
I feel happy to support the small shops I love.

Here is a sweet portion of a speech the Queen gave when she was a young girl.
What a great message.  
For God will care for us.

That is just the best.

Encourage one another,


  1. Things to avoid: slobbering, picking your true. Nifty shirt (and model!) and lovely quote. The queen is quite a woman!

    1. I agree about the Queen. 100%
      And it is hard not to pick your one wants to talk about this....but nothing works quite as well as a finger.

    2. I think my favorite for things to avoid was "licking things"!

  2. Love this post!! Always nice to see cutie Katie!


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