Monday, April 26, 2021

The year without dresses

 I tried to watch a little of the Oscars last night.  It was just too blah.  There were no dresses I was interested all.  There were no movies I was interested all.  Actually, I'm shocked that they held the awards at all.  So......

Let's look at what has been interesting me lately when it comes to style and design.

Gorgeous Indian textiles have been catching my eye.


I stumbled upon Sara Fitz's needlepoint designs and that led me to her wonderful website.

Charming notepads, wrapping paper and totes. Gorgeous prints and wallpaper!


And just for fun, if I was a stylist, this is what I would put my client in.
Lovely Princess Charlene of Monaco.

Happy last week of April!~
I am enjoying the sun being up after dinner so much.
Lots of love and beauty dear ones.
Donna Elsie

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Wontons with Katie


The Wonton recipe

One package Wonton wrappers
One package cream cheese
One teaspoon sugar and One teaspoon onion powder.
One scallion.
(one egg for egg wash to seal sides)

Mix cream cheese mixture.
Spoon a teaspoon of the mixture in the middle of a wonton wrapper.
Fold up. Opposite corners to opposite corners.

Fry in oil for a little bit.  Shorter than you can believe it!

Serve with a dipping sauce.  We used duck and sweet and sour sauce.

Thank you, Katie, for coming over to make these great treats and helping me get over my fear of frying!

Bon Appetit

Donna and Katie
#easychef and #babychef

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Full hearts

 Patrick, Katie and I went to Omaha for Easter.  Emma and James come up from Missouri and Patrick and Shelby now live in Omaha very near to Matthew and Melinda.  So we were ALL TOGETHER!!! 

It was just wonderful.  We had an Easter egg hunt outside and Melinda cooked a delicious dinner!  We went to the zoo and Patrick and I nearly died.  The children ran circles around one another as we panted and whined and worried about the huge crowds.  Actually Patrick did not whine...until we got home.  I whine in real time.

We celebrated Emma's birthday out at an air bnb that Emma and James stayed at.  River seems most interested in Silas.  Babies are funny like that.  

It was a beautiful weekend!  I taught Asher how to play HORSE and he promptly beat me.  We gave Matthews family a corn hole game for Christmas and they pulled that out to play on the driveway!

I look for benches.  That is what I was on the hunt for.  

We went to the Henry Dorling zoo on Friday.  Melinda said she has never seen it so busy.  
It was just a gorgeous day!  

Cocktails with Katie.
It's a thing.

River enjoyed toddling around with all the activity.  She likes to stay close to Emma and James.  But we were able to pick her up from time to time.  She loves when we sing to her. And she loves to oink!

James with the babies. Silas and River.

Lorelei had tons of fun with her cousins!!  She is a sweet, happy girl!

Our four.  2021.
So special!!!

Zeke has his dad's exact cowlick. What a doll he is!!!

Special cake for Emma's birthday!  Melinda wondered if she should just have a half a piece, and I stated emphatically, "You deserve to have your own piece of cake."

You can quote me on that.

It's hard to pin this busy gal down!!! Bright, funny Dottie!!  
Loves blueberries, does not love to have her face wiped.  haha

I took family snaps of each family. I will have something for Christmas cards this year! 

I didn't think to get a picture with all the grandchildren until it was too late.  So here I am with the first three ;o)

We are so happy you are in the area!!  

Hello smiley Silas!!!

Emma and James just celebrated their third wedding anniversary.  

In which, I take pictures like a goof.


Happy Siblings Day!!!

Encourage one another,
Donna Elsie