Thursday, December 05, 2024

December: All Bundled Up

Welcome December!

With such a late Thanksgiving, December took us by surprise.
Well.  Me at least! heh.

by John Updike

First snow! The flakes,
So few, so light,
Remake the world
In solid white.

All bundled up,
We feel as if
We were fat penguins,
Warm and stiff.

The toy-packed shops
Half split their sides,
And Mother brings home
things she hides.

Old carols peal.
The dusk is dense
There is a mood
Of sweet suspense.

The shepherds wait,
The kings, the tree
All wait for something
Yet to be.

Some miracle.
And then it's here,
Wrapped up in hope-
Another year!


December memories....

Last year Katie and Karen decorated for me.  I think I really liked that tradition!!!

I am slowly switching the decorations over from fall to winter.  Slowly.

Yoohoo.  Katie and Karen!!!

Encourage One Another,



  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    We are always slow to decorate, but this year we bought a new artificial tree and we have had it up and turned on now since right after Thanksgiving. Other than the creche that is it for decorations. I subscribe to Midwest Living (something I did after finding your blog) and this last Winter issue has an article about Paoli, Wisconsin which is near Madison. Such a lovely article...wish we could take some time and travel to Wisconsin for many reasons.
    Merry almost Christmas to you and yours and all those in the QLCS. jep
    (Quiet Life Comment Section)

    1. We live very close to Paoli! It has changed a lot in the last five years. Very fancy! I remember posting pictures of the School House when it was a gift store. Now it is a restaurant. We always found the freshest cheese curds at the little stone building. You would be so welcome if you came to Wisconsin!!!


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