Thursday, May 17, 2007

Such pretty, delicate flowers.
Do you know what they are?

Here they are from a distance.
They are perennials...and they grow and bloom all summer.


Isn't it hard to see your favorites leave on American Idol?
Melinda handled it very calmly.
Did anyone notice her small fan base on her hometown visit.
That was telling me something.
Blake kissing his papa was soooooo endearing.
Jordin has a huge fanbase.

I didn't see either Janet on the show or KrisS.
Janet would have been Jordin's hometown tape.
KrisS would have been in the audience last night!!!

Janet, what is your school called?
Did they show any of her visit at your school?

So long Melinda.
You're gonna go far.


Emma is planning a mission trip to India.
She really can not wait to get out there to serve and spread the love of God around :o)
We went to the travel nurse yesterday and it was weird to get prescriptions for typhoid and malaria.
Her small group will travel to Vijayawada.
Here is a little about Vijayawada.


I heard from the dermatologist office yesterday afternoon.
The bibopsy results revealed a basal cell carcinoma.
On June 6th, I will discuss methods of treatment with whomever;
Cutting or burning or some sort of thing.

I am not freaking out.
I'm going to be fine.


Tonight is the season finale to Greys Anatomy.
Big questions:
Will Cristina marry Burke?
Will George leave Callie O'Malley?
Is the Chief's wife going to make it?

Personally, I think Cristina and Burke are a horrible train wreck and I hope they don't get married.

I used to love to swing.
Now it makes me queasy and my bottom feels mighty squished to even sit on a swing.

Katie still enjoys it :o)

The Swing

How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
Rivers and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside -

Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown -
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!

~Robert Lewis Stevenson

Encourage one another,

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