The promised photos.

Here is one final point about including yourself in the family pictures.
Your children look at you all day long. THEY know what you look like. They are not surprised by how you look in the picture.
I do not like how this looks. I still want to look like I did when I was 25 years old. And really I'm shocked that I don't.
You know, if you stay away from mirrors and cameras you can kind of fool yourself.
But, seriously, I'm not fooling anyone. My children love me just the way I am.
Chins and all.

Here is my tripod.
No excuses.
Emma and I figured out how to set the timer on my camera in five minutes.
We also stopped at the photobooth in the Mall and took our pictures that way too!

Three dollars for two strips.
One for my college girl and one for me.
She is a nut!
Katie got a new Webkinz. Puff the Panda.
It was a good day. And now we have photographic proof that I was there ;o)
Encourage one another,
p.s. Be back soon.
p.p.s. The pictures were edited with Totally Rad Actions: Derelict
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