Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Five

by Mizboo

The College Edition

Where did you go to college?
What did you learn?
What was the hardest part?
What was your major?
Would you recommend your Alma mater?

Discuss in the comments!

I'm really curious about this!

This is how Emma looked. I could not really read her. She does not wear her heart on her sleeve like I do.

She looks sad and tired and gee, I don't know, in this picture.

She can be silly and giddy. But usually not with me. I think I play the silly, giddy, emotional one when we are together.

Thursday, Emma was very busy with orientation activities. We spoke briefly last night.

Her women's floor was paired with a men's floor and they were headed out for a group activity in Chicago.

She sounded tired and a bit harried on the phone.

I don't think she is used to someone else making all the plans :op


This gives you an idea of where Moody is located.
We walked eight blocks directly east on Chestnut and we were on Mich. Ave.

Not too bad.


Katie was her usual happy self.

She saved $25 and bought a Coconut doggie at American Girl Place.
We paid for Felicity to have her hair done.


She also showed her appreciation for the pretty sounding saxophone.

Registration went perfectly.
Like I mentioned on The Twitter, the dedication service was lovely.
(The service was on campus, Steph. I have not seen the Moody Church.)

Seriously folks, those people love to sing and sing loud!
I've never heard anything like it.

They were praising God, whole-heartedly and that was a wonderful thing to see.

A wonderful feeling to know we were leaving Emma in this place where God is loved and worshipped with passion.

So I don't have any worries about her.
She will do well.

Katie will do well too. She counts the days until school starts.

And I have you. My constant companions.
My encouragers and supporters and friends from afar.

Blogging helps me stay positive.
It helps me think on things that are good and right and just and pure.....

Did you know the Internet and blogging could be used for such things.

Well, it can.

The Godly fellowship and love that I have experienced in cyber-space has been
the most wonderful thing.

So thank you for being who you are...
real and kind and friendly....

I need this kind of fellowship and oddly I have found it here.

So thank you and bless you for being here.

Now. Go answer those questions...and let's have some fun!

Encourage one another,

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