I love the fall light and my garage.
My garageband studio is rockin' my world.

Katie made this face right before she made the grown up, glamourous face up above.
Does she look eight here?
Now. I have to go and I have spent 40 minutes thinking of questions and now have run out of time...with no questions.
Leave questions in the comments and when I get back at 10:30 I will grab some questions from the comments
and post them here.
What do you want to know?
About me?
About the other commenters?
About books?
About life?
About tv?
Ask away.
This just might be fun.
Encourage one another,
THE SCARF: Yes, I knit the scarf. It is called a "mistake rib". I used Lorna's Laces. Don't remember the colorway.
Mistake Rib:
Works on multiples of four plus three.
Knit two, purl two across, ending with knit two, purl one.
Repeat this row for pattern.
POSING: Katie is just very natural in front of the camera.
I tell her the get the nose hairs out of the way...and this makes her laugh :o)
I ask her not to smile.
Tell her to close her mouth, open her mouth, look at me like she loves me.....
I'm very quick and she appreciates this. We dash outside for five minutes.
I like The Cotton Wife's idea of saying 'no smiling'.
I talk a lot. Tell jokes. Lame jokes. The my subject how pretty they are.
How beautiful their eyes are. I laugh a lot at myself and so they laugh with me.
I hold my camera above my head and take goofy shots. This makes people smile and laugh and feel relaxed.
I say, isn't it nice not to have a flash. So easy :o)
Just call me gabby gus.
First for my sisters; Dawn is a member of the only other Greek family we knew of in Wheaton :o)
Sue and I were classmates with two of the K girls.
Two and a half years after our parents died (1973) Nancy and Binky moved to Minocqua Wisconsin with
Cindy, Janice, Janet and their new baby Lindsay.
Sue and I were at college and brother Jim was living on Martha's Vineyard.
Family run down:
Jim is a pilot and a proud father and grandfather to twins.
Nancy and her husband are back in Minocqua after many years living in Arizona.
They are well and are enjoying their four grown children and puppy, Ted.
Sue lives in Missouri with her husband and will soon send her youngest boy off to college.
(They have three boys) Sue is a teacher for gifted children.
Cindy also lives in Missouri. She has two grown boys whom she adores.
Cindy is a kindergarten teacher and avid walker. ;o)
Janice is also a mother of two sweet boys.
She works hard at her job and at her positive attitude.
Janet lives in Arizona (so does Janice) with her husband and five active children and
their laundry. She loves the Lord, her family, and Pioneer Woman.
No, I don't have a studio. I will wait and see how the business grows.
I have about three to four shoots a month.
I get most of my clients from local word of mouth.
Two clients came to me from Ree's website.
I am making a little money. It has helped pay for Katie's school.
Maybe at he end of the year I will look at my balance and buy a ticket for Arizona.
But that means you (Janet) have to drum up some business for me down there so I can
call it a write off!!!
I find myself incredibly stressed and would rather do this for free, to be completely honest.
Yes, I joined the [b] school. I sure hope they have the videos soon.
No, I don't add color to my photos. Katie's hair sometimes looks brown, sometimes red, depending on the light.
LoriH, I have my Nikon D80 set on vivid.
I miss Katie. That's all I miss. Homeschool was a very relaxed and quiet way of life for me. It was nice.
Katie and I both love her school. She loves her friends and teachers.
I am delighted with how friendly everyone is and how willing all of the parents are to chip in and volunteer.
My favorite thing is how much the staff seem to care about the children.
What's everyone having for dinner tonight?
What is the most fun you have had lately?
What is the best book you have read this year?
What is your favorite TV show of all time?
Are you knitting something this fall?
If you could only eat one food for a month what would you (and commenters) choose?
who's your guy, the phantom or raoul?
Steph - how is that baby, and how are you?
Nancy W - how are your joints? Is winter harder, or does that not matter?
Emma - how's college?
Oh dear. I was just finished up and I checked and five more comments have come in....with lots of questions.
Emma is adjusting pretty well. She is playing soccer, football and frisbee.
I think it is good to be physically active when you are adjusting to new things....
those endorphins are good for you.
Di, It takes 2 1/2 hours to get to Chicago from here. If the traffic is terrible. Three.
I can get to Lynn's house in 20-25 min.
I'm going to stop here.
If I have not asked your question I have written it down and will ask it next Friday!
Hope that's okay.
Thanks so much for asking such great questions!!!
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