I had two little boys.
Oh! How I loved my little boys.

"Why is Matthew wearing a dress?" said Katie upon seeing this.
"It's French. It's a bubble." said I.

Then along came Emma Jean.
Have mercy! Look at the curly headed angel!
I loved every second of it all.
And why am I showing you their baby pictures???
Two reasons.
and Numero duo;
The woman who took the boy's pictures was from Minocqua, Wisconsin.
I thought she was the most wonderful photographer and she actually inspired to get my first slr camera when I was just out of high school. Her name is/was Audrey Perkins.
She had a great natural eye and did a lot of her photoshoot outdoors.
I was thinking the other day about why I ever got my first fancy camera....and it came to me.
Audrey Perkins.
So God Bless you Audrey, wherever you are.
And get ready kids....
I'll be taking lots of pictures this weekend!!!
You can thank Audrey.
Come on back tomorrow to see what I will be feeding the crew.

I took a little walk this morning up to the highest point in Madison.
(It's on my way home from school.)
Encourage one another,
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