Yesterday was the most beautiful day and I wanted to show you some of the pretty sights.
I drove up to Baraboo to go to a Bible study. On the way there I was astonished by the colors.
I have lived in Wisconsin for nearly 30 years now and have never seen such a show!
The sun was pouring down on the bluffs and the colors were Gorgeous!!!
On the way home I decided to turn off on a country road to take the picture of the bluff...and then well...I decided to drive all the way up the hill.
What a view from up there!!
And the wildlife!!!
Wisconsin style.
When I got back to Madison I decided to treat myself to a nice birthday lunch at Chipotle.
I get a burrito bowl with chicken. It's the best. The Chipotle is right by my favorite old church. The trees looked pretty as I drove up to the church. I got out of the car to try to take a few pictures. (I did not have my fancy camera with me. Big mistake.)
As I walked past the windows the yellow leaves caught my eye.
![Thru the windows](
Pretty sight. Peaceful place.
So it was me and my iphone and the beautiful gifts of fall.
Not a bad way to spend the day.
October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
~george cooper/partial
Encourage one another,