Thursday, January 29, 2015

like a girl

Encourage one another and build each other up.,


  1. This is wonderful. I hadn't seen it. So powerful.

  2. Young teen boys need some encouragement too.
    I hope that comes along also.

    1. Perhaps a #boyswillbeboys theme.

    2. sonjasunshine12:40 PM

      an excellent idea!

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    This just goes to prove what my mother always said about certain words being hurtful to others and if there was nothing good to say, not to say anything. I do remember hearing "like a girl" in elementary and junior high, but seems like that stopped in high school when dating started. In my day it was more, "I am woman, hear me roar!" ;-) Thank you for sharing this. I am going to show it to my DIL and Granddaughter. love and prayers, jep

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Thank you so much for sharing this. It really is so powerful. Raising two girls who are high school & college age, I never think of "like a girl" as an insult anymore. They constantly amaze me with their confidence and abilities. But when I was their age, I would have been embarrassed to have been told I did something "like a girl." I believe things are changing.

  5. Cyndi K G12:57 PM

    Well. As the mother of 6 grown daughters, that made me cry: I have watched my daughters become strong young women (with whom I don't always agree!) and it is good to think that perhaps the world will appreciate them as such.

  6. Wonderful. And very well done.

    I've always run and hit like a girl, and I'm okay with that, because I was encouraged by my parents at a young age to be myself. I'm glad for messages like this, that will hopefully serve to build up anyone who is discouraged, or feels "less than".

    Thanks, Donna :-)

  7. Wonderful. Well done. BOTH boys and girls need confidence building like this. AMEN!!!

  8. This is beautiful!! (she said through tears)


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