Wednesday, April 22, 2015


This video is from March 19th 2012.

Our grass is green today .....  but we have flurries again and it's in the 30ºs.

I feel that sheep.

Yesterday Katie played softball in football weather.
It was absolutely freezing.

Also yesterday was a Choir Festival at the local high school....Katie spent the day listening to choirs from all over and then they sang and were critiqued by judges.  I went to listen to her choir sing.  They sounded very pretty.

Thanks for stopping by and being a part of our lives.


  1. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

    1. Yes to what Nan said!

      Hoping for warmer softball weather for you and Katie both. :)

  2. Ditto what Nan said.

    Funny sheep.

    Bless your heart, snow?? Oh, dear! Better days ahead, for sure.

    1. I think the scientists missed it when the earth slipped on its axis and we ended up in the arctic and the arctic landed here.

    2. Seems it's warmer (a smidge) in Anchorage , today, than in Madison!

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Your video made me laugh!! (Especially since my dad used to raise sheep). But I am not laughing at your weather. I'm so sorry you are still getting winter temps. May the sun be shining for you very, very soon. Wishing you golden days and warm breezes....

    Debbie Z.

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    That sheep just slays me! I laughed lots.
    Lovely choir and what a sweet song, too.
    Sorry about your snow flurries, sending warm and loving wishes for sunshine there ASAP.
    love and prayers, jep


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