Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Blessed to have had such a momma.

quotation written by lettergirl on Etsy

I'm thinking about my mom today.
It's her birthday.

She was full of love and full of fun!  I miss her terribly. Still.

'She had every gift but length of years.'

Love you.
Mean it.

Donna Elsie


  1. I thought about Esther this morning, too, Donna, as she and I share this birthday. Her life and legacy live on in your words, your reflections, and the tender, loving heart you share with us here at QL.

  2. I love reading about your mom, Donna. You bless us when you tell us about her. xoxo

  3. She is so beautiful, Donna. I agree with Cheryl, I love when you write about your dear mom.

    Happy birthday, Esther.


  4. This post is such a beautiful tribute to your beautiful mom. She taught you to love well AND mother well. I'm sure she would be so very proud of you, Donna. Sending you love and prayers on this special day. xoxo

  5. Anonymous1:40 PM

    it is my mom's birthday today too. she lives 900 miles away and I am getting ready to call her, but it is really hard to talk to her because she has dementia. if you ask her questions, she sometimes doesn't know the answer. it is hard for both of us. praying I will be able to show God's love to her in some way.

    1. I bet that's really hard. I shy away from difficult phone calls so I truly understand.
      I hope she can feel your love today!

    2. I made the call and it went ok. thank you for your encouragement.

  6. My heart is with you, Donna. The birthday of a mother who is gone is difficult. Next month will be 36 years since my mother died and like you, I still miss her. Prayers for peace in the lovely memories.

  7. Her death was such a tragedy and your siblings and you handled it so well. Today is another friends' mom's birthday who has passed. Hugs to you

  8. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Happy Birthday, Esther... ((Hugs, Donna)) : )

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  9. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Your mother's sweet spirit is so evident in the photos. Thinking of you and your siblings today. You carry on her legacy so beautifully.

    Debbie Z.

  10. Anonymous9:29 AM

    A mother's love....just the best thing to have ever.
    I see bits of my mother in our sons and the Grands...I am sure that is true for others.
    Thank you Donna and thank you Esther for having such a lovely family.
    love and prayers, jep

  11. I totally understand. It will be twenty years on July 5th. I miss her so much it hurts sometimes.

    Love your posts. Mean it.
    Mary Jo

  12. You have such a sweet spirit, Donna. I am sure it comes from your mom. What a beautiful legacy she left behind in all of her children.


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