Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Thanksgiving Songs

~Winslow Homer

When I was young we had music class right there in the regular classrooms. We stood at our desks in rows.   We had hard covered song books. 
We learned songs like Bicycle Built for Two and Casey and we would learn Patriotic songs and Holiday songs.  More than Christmas songs I remember the Thanksgiving songs.  My sisters, Janet and Cindy helped me remember a few of the songs we knew.  Thanksgiving songs gets forgotten in everyone's rush to Christmas.

(I am already watching Christmas movies on Hallmark and Lifetime.  Sorry.  But hey!  If they make a Thanksgiving movie.  I'll watch that too.)

Enjoy some wonderful Thanksgiving classics and feel free to sing along :o)


  1. YES TO ALL OF THESE!! We sang them in school, too. And we sing the first two at church even still. <3

    1. We sang them in church too :)
      Janet added the Doxology but I don't associate that with Thanksgiving but i bet some churches don't use it all year long. I actually learned it at Honey Rock camp and we sang it before every meal.

  2. How I Love the old hymns. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. This makes me happy. I actually made a CD of all the Thanksgiving songs I love so much. The ones you have above are on there! I added the theme song from Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, Turkey in the Straw, "I've Got Plenty to be Thankful For" (Bing Crosby)the round song "Praise and Thanksgiving Let Everyone Bring" "Shine on Harvest Moon" "Everybody Eats When They Come to My House""Now Thank We All Our God" and something from The Elijah. Sorry to be so long-winded but I get so excited when someone appreciates how fun Thanksgiving songs can be! (and doesn't skip directly to Christmas)Oh,and There's No Place Like Home on the harmonica because my dad always used to play that :)

    1. Alright Anita!! I need copies of that CD! I'm being serious!
      I told the sisters that we should produce a Thanksgiving Special....
      and now we have our Executive Director!!! I love that your dad played There's No Place Like Home. That is just the sweetest thing.

  4. We had music time in my elementary classrooms and learned so many great songs that I sing to this day. My fourth grade teacher, Miss Tulip Adkins, must have been a music teacher in another life or just liked to sing and she taught us songs like: I Want to Buy A Paper Doll, Little Lambs Eat Ivy, A Bicycle Built for Two and oh so many others. Thank you for these Thanksgiving songs! Love and prayers, jep

    1. Jep, you can still find the music books at antique stores and online. I think used similar books. Isn't that cute about Miss Tulip! And her name. Enchanting.

    2. Donna, I am blessed to have a 1951 copy of Singing in Harmony by Lilla Belle Pitts, Professor of Music Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New Your; Mabelle Glenn, Formerly Director of Music, Public Schools, Kansas City, Missouri; and Lorrain E. Watters, Director of Music,Public Schools, Des Moines, Iowa. I bought it at a library book sale years ago. There are songs in it about the states; holiday songs; songs for the seasons (along with poems); and even hymns. I also inherited from my mother who taught 1st grade for 20 years a copy of Songs To Grow On: A Collection of American Folk Songs For Children by Beatrice Landeck (1950). I do not have the songbook that we used with Miss Adkins (after all these years I can't call her Miss Tulip, but isn't it a neat name?) Maybe someday I will find one. Love and prayers, jep

  5. We must be close in age. I picked up my hardback 4th grade music book somewhere years ago. I love every song in it! We still sing some of these Thanksgiving songs in church. I hate the rush to Christmas. I like to savor the fall days and list ways to be thankful for all the blessings. Thank you for the trip down memory lane.


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