Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Too weak a word for what I feel

O Lord of pots and pans and things,

Since I have no time to be
a great saint by doing lovely things,
or watching late with Thee,
or dreaming in the dawn light,
or storming Heaven’s gates,
Make me a saint by getting meals,
and washing up the plates.

Warm all the kitchen with Thy Love,

and light it with Thy peace;
Forgive me all my worrying,
and make my grumbling cease.
Thou who didst love to give men food
in room, or by the sea,
Accept the service that I do-
I do it unto Thee.

Generally attributed to Brother Lawrence

Thank you Stephie for sharing this wonderful quote!


“To paraphrase Woody Allen in Annie Hall, love was too weak a word for what I felt for that tiny crying creature who had my eyes, my mouth, my hair. I lurved my daughter, my Ava. I looved her. I lurfed her.” 
~Melissa Senate, The Breakup Club


Happy Tuesday friends,

I'm home after a nice long visit with Emma and James and bebe to be.
Lorelei was only with us on Monday morning, but we got to go to her dance class and that was just the best.  If you are a mother (or grandmother) and have not considered putting your child in dance class I want to urge you to do so.  Lorelei is almost five and will go to kindergarten next fall, but the things she is learning while having fun dancing is wonderful.

Dance students learn;

Listening skills
Physical awareness
Right and left
Vocabulary, French and English
Body parts

Can you tell I was impressed?   I think I see things differently now that I am older and looking on ....and also since I have worked with special needs children and been in the classroom. 
(Both of the boys took a little pre-dance class at the YMCA and Emma and Katie took a lot of dance classes....I did it because I loved movement and dance....but now I realize all the other fantastic benefits.)

These little ones will be ready to go for kindergarten.
They know how to line up and listen!


(Lorelei's grandparents send her to dance class which I think is the nicest thing ever!
She is a lucky girl to have so many people who love her.)

And a funny coincidence, Lorelei takes dance at the Studio where my sister Cindy took tap dance for years!!
And guess what? the owners and teachers at the school taught ME dance when I was at Stephens College in 1975-1977.  How about that?

BTW, Emma is feeling really well!  Her tummy is not quite as big as a basketball but it is AS ROUND!  I was able to feel grand baby girlie move a few times and that was lovely!
Emma's only inconvenience, her restless legs aka happy feet. 
She takes numerous little walks each day to help with that annoying feeling!
She is taking a little magnesium and she felt that worked for a while.

Any suggestions for the little antsy momma?

I took pictures with my big camera...I'll edit those tonight and get those up tomorrow :o)

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comments (when you can).
Lots of love!

Encourage one another,


  1. All the heart-eyes!!! 😍😍😍
    Love this post ❤️

  2. Thank you, dear girl! I tried commenting here, but have given up and only do so if I'm at my office and the big-girl computer - otherwise I just leave it all on facebook. :) But I am always moved by Brother Lawrence. It helped me a lot when I had all the laundry. There's less laundry now - and more hands to pitch in - but it's a timely reminder for lazy old me every time.

    I can't wait to see beautiful Emma. I pray for her every morning. I have always prayed for all my pregnant friends while I'm in the shower. Isn't that weird? Years and years....

    love you. mean it.

  3. sweet emma :) maybe warm baths for the RLS and is she taking iron? she may need some. Calm is a powder drink of magnesium that is helpful. of course she'll check with her dr. Pregnancy Tea (herbal) is balancing and may be helpful too

    1. Janice, Calm is what Emma takes. I'll suggest a tea.

  4. That poem. I needed an attitude adjustment about my dislike of all things cooking. I was sad when my niece graduated high school and I had no excuse to go to dance recitals.

  5. As an adult tap dancer who has an almost-10 year old who is taking 7 dance classes (2 ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, acro, and a performance group (and she'd do more if I let her!)), I'm here to second all the benefits of dance. For boys and girls. Famous fact - Walter Payton took dance classes because of all the benefits to his footwork on the football field.

  6. Dear Donna, Emma, the baby to come, James and Big Sister Lorelei are in our daily prayers. We are so happy for them and for you, too! We added a baby boy great nephew and baby girl great niece to our family this year. Loved the quote/prayer from Bro. Lawrence. Thank you and Stephie, too! Love and prayers, jep


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