Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hey, Boo.

What can I say?

I was Scout. 

I've loved the movie To Kill A Mockingbird my entire life.
I would have watched it in this very chair, in the dark, cool basement in Elmhurst.
I never thought that little girl was me. Not once.
But this little tomboy Donna with her grown out pixie and rolled up shorts and cut off sleeves
is Scout.

I feel connected to this movie in many lovely and unique ways.

Our father took pictures and had them made into slides.
I absolutely loved the evenings we would sit on the floor and our dad would click thru pictures
 on the slide projector.  

Nancy saved the slides for years.  She passed on 'our slides' to each of us a long while ago.
Gosh.  I would love to see ALL of the slides.
I find reminiscing to be my favorite topic of conversation lately.

"Of all the means of expression, photography is the only one that 
fixes a precise moment in time."
~Henri Cartier-Bresson

Encourage one another,


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