Sunday, September 15, 2024

It ain't that tragic.

As you know, no matter what happens in my life, a movie reference is right there...waiting to come out.

When I was diagnosed on Sept 15th 2023 I immediately thought of this scene from Terms of Endearment.

I didn't realize until about an hour ago that today was the 15th.
I yelled to Patrick, who is in the other room, 
'hey, it's the anniversary today'
He said.
'I know.'

Funny, he didn't mention it.

He said it wasn't an anniversary to celebrate.
I get that.

Dedication: To my husband, an unexpected nice guy.

"Who would have expected you to be a nice guy?"
A prized line aimed at one of my husband's favorite actors.

Thank you, Honey.
I love you.



  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I’m very thankful for my nice guy 🥰

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Although I could never watch "Terms of Endearment," or any sad movie, I love your appropriate quotes for every occasion. And that you are married to a nice guy. (Anita)

  3. Karen4:26 PM

    Terms of Endearment has the best soundtrack. One of my all-time favorites. So glad you have a nice guy.


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