Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'm curious about something.
Please tell me true.

Do you follow links when I put them up?
Links to other blogs or links to YouTube or links to pictures?

It's okay if you don't.
Really okay.

But I was just wondering.

I wonder if I should try to figure out (again) how to put a youtube screen right here on my blog. So you don't have to click and go away to see it.
Other, more skilled bloggers have figured it out.
Which means, I will figure it out in three or so years.

I am feeling rather dull, lackluster lately.

I guess it is just the natural rhythm of life.

Big exciting things like weddings and trips to Paris and India.

And quiet little things like pictures of Katie and vacation Bible school and a trip to the grocery store.

VBS is a hoot and a half this year. It's called Avalanche Ranch.
The church is decorated with bales of hay and the children will be singing and cheering and learning Bible stories and verses all week.

Katie loves this. She was disappointed that it was only half day.
She liked being gone all day at First Act Academy.

I wonder if I should try to make life more exciting around here for her?
Or is it good for her to get use to this more realistic (at least for me) rhythm of things.

I mean, and really, how on earth could I make things more exciting around here anyway?

Tell me, the lulls are a good thing.



She has not been reading Seventeen Magazine.
I promise.

Encourage one another,

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