20 questions...
I found these questions on Melinda's blog.
I enjoyed reading hers so I thought I would pass it on.
Have fun with these :o)
1. when you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
My hair is straight.
2. do you miss anyone right now?
I miss Sue.
3. if you could move anywhere else, would you?
4. if you could choose, what would your last meal be?
I will have surf and turf just like Melinda. (We order the same when we go out to eat.)
Chopped Salad a la Wildfire, MR Tenderloin with BĂ©arnaise sauce, big lobster tail with drawn butter,
diet Dr. Pepper, I know there would be no room for dessert. There never is...
But a nice moist piece of home made cake with lots of frosting.
5. what famous person, dead or alive, would you want to have lunch with?
6. what was the last book you read?
The Little Giant of Aberdeen County.
7. what was the last movie you watched?
Forrest Gu-mp.
8. what was the last song you heard?
I can't remember. Something on tv or the radio.
9. what is your dream vacation?
I'd love to go back to the Sheraton Maui where I vacationed with Cindy and our parents in early 73.
I loved it there. I think my children would love it and Patrick could golf.
10. what is the next trip you will take?
Going to San Francisco in June.
11. did you ever go to camp?
Yes. I went to Honey Rock camp.
It was affiliated with Wheaton College.
Wonderful experience.
12. have you ever been in love?
of course
13. what do you want to know about the future?
I'd like to know the day I will die.
14. where is your best friend?
at work at Starbucks
15. how is your best friend?
She is happy.
16. who is the biggest gossiper you know?
Those ladies on The Real Housewives of New York.
17. what does your last text message say?
"Me too. Be well sweetie. I will pray extra hard. Love you."
18. what are 3 things you've always wanted to do, that you still plan to accomplish?
Get a dog, take Katie to Europe when she graduates from high school,
I plan to sniff and kiss my grand baby on the head. A lot.
19. what is one thing you learned from your parents?
How to love life.
20. what is one thing you hope to teach to your own children?
Love Wins.
To see Melinda's blog and answers:
Put on Love
After two weeks and three months of traveling...we are just staying put for
Memorial day.
Maybe my family can drag me to brat fest.
The brats are cheap and yummy and the weinermobile will be there.....
but the crowds....
Do you have plans?
Feel free to answer the questions in the comments or take them to your blog to answer them...
just let me know if you do them on your blog so I can come and read them!
Happy Friday!
Encourage one another,
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