I saw this right after asking a woman for directions.
She wanted to hand me a map.
I already had a map.
I said, "I can't read the map. I don't know where we are on it."
The woman thinks I'm a ditz.

Click to enlarge this one. They hay is really flying :o)

See those big bands?
They were attached to a big loud smelly old machine.
Those bands were turning the conveyor belt that carried to hay into the thresher.

We saw rows and rows of tractors and machinery.
There is even a spot calle macherinery row.

Not unlike a row of corn.

We were headed for this little steam engine.
When I looked at the list of activities at the Edgerton Thresheree,
this is the one I thought Katie would like.

The whilstle was loud and exhuberant!
And the smoke was pretty and smelly.
Click on the smokey picture to see it larger. It's cool larger.

This small train was needed to go over a small bridge.

A view from a wee train.
We went in search of some food.
And while we munched our burgers and brats,
I spotted my true love.
Most people were watching all mannrer of tractors parade down the lane.
But this International A120 circa 1958 had me at hello.

Truck love.
There's no explaining it.
(In my dreams I own this truck and a pair of Lisa Loeb cat eye glasses, don't cha know.)
And then I bumped into this young fellow in the parade line.

He was driving a small Farmall tractor.
(His daddy was walking along side him.)
I asked, "You mind?"
He smiled a bit and gave me this almost wave.

He's an excellent driver.


On the way out, we came face to face with the best fire trucks ever.
And not only are they bright and totally adorable...

The most perfect hood ornament adorns the hood.

My sentiments, exactly :o)

Wasn't that fun!
Have a wonderful day, whatever you may be doing!
Encourage one another,
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