I was tagged for the "8 Random Facts Meme"
Funny thing is....Ms. Kathy doesn't know me. One teeny little bit.
Here is her blog:
Kathy Wolf Photography
But she sees my name in her comments, gushing over her photography, and asking a question now and then...and well...I think I have her as a flicker contact....
but other than that....I'm basically her lurker extraordinaire.
But I don't really lurk. I get right in there with happy comments and questions.
So what am I?
The friendly ghost?
But Kathy noticed.
And when she had to pick names.
She thought of little ole me.
Now, Kathy doesn't like to talk about herself.
I learned this from her meme.
I on the other hand.....
Eight Random Facts
1. At the Packer's game, I cheer louder and more often than my husband.
2. I Tivo America's Next Top Model. (don't hate me)
3. The words 'challenge' and 'calendar' trip me up every time.
4. My Senior Thesis at Hillsdale College was on .....Photography as an Art Form.
5. I was a late bloomer.

6. "Where the Red Fern Grows" and "Seventeenth Summer" taught me to love reading.
7. I thought I would marry a minister....or a hockey player.
8. I snore.
About that report card.
I was a happy little girl who loved going to school.
I just didn't have a clue.
My daddy told me, "D" is for dandy!"
There is hope for your little late bloomers folks.
The Packer game was great.
They won with a extra point in the last two seconds.
It was raining and we did not bring any rain gear OR coats.
And I didn't bring my camera into the stadium because of the rain.
So I'm sorry I don't have any fun and festive pictures of Lambeau field.
Something very unusual happened at the game.
At six minutes to kick off, an alarm sounded.
A loud, buzzing, jarring, wail.
Then the recorded announcement stated.
"This is an emergency. Leave your seats and go to the stairwell. Do not take the elevators."
Everyone just stood and gaped.
"This is an emergency. Leave your seats and go to the stairwell. Do not take the elevators."
Still everyone stood and looked around.
"This is an emergency. Leave your seats and go to the stairwell. Do not take the elevators."
We are not moving. The game is about to start.
And no one is leaving the field.
But we are starting to think Lambeau has had a bomb threat.
"This is an emergency. Leave your seats and go to the stairwell. Do not take the elevators."
Patrick and I take a few steps toward the aisle.
Over the loud speaker we hear,
"There is no emergency.
Return to your seats.
There is no emergency."
Really. They were talking to the wrong folks.
We were all standing firm in our disbelief that something horrid could be happening at Lambeau.
That the game could be delayed.
I'll betcha in New York folks would have moved a little faster.
And felt more fear.
One thing I know for sure, seventy thousand Packer fans are not going to miss opening day kick off! No matter what!
Oh! And the flyover.
Four F-16's.
Majestic, powerful and LOUD!!!
Oh yeah. Part of doing the 8 Random Facts Meme is choosing more victims...er...
Here are a few friends I think would like to try this;
And if you have done it recently, don't bother.
And if you would like to do it. Please do.
And if you would like to answer in the comments...
Go right ahead.
And this picture.
Is for my boys.

They know right were this is.
Encourage one another,
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