That's me. WE have walked two days in a row.
The sun has shone.
The ice is melting.
The thermometer has reached and risen a bit above 40 degrees.
It is time to stop hibernating.
It feels good to be outside.
The Garage (Band) Studio is back in biz.
I love my new actions.

And well. I love that I now know how to use my old actions correctly.

If you only knew. If you only knew.
The Luckiest by Ben Folds
If the Idols had more than a minute and a half to sing
I can really see David Cook or Michael the Aussie sing this song.
And I think it would be their "Halleluja".
I'm just saying.

I just want to know.
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Happy Weekend!
Encourage one another,
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