I got a new lens for my camera.

And now I will have to pick up the floor.

Katie will be able to fling her arms in the air like she is wont to do.
And I will most likely get them in the picture.
It's my goal.

After many tries, I was still able to get a clear, sharp close up.

See how you can get more of the body in shot.
This will be an especially nice lens to get more than one person in a shot AND it will be great for
vistas and buildings.

With a wider lens I would be able to shoot Emma this close and also get the WHOLE Eiffel tower in the shot.
Next time I go to Paris, I will take my 17-55mm lens.
The End.
I need to be kinder cause I always feel terrible when I say things like,
that rocker chick made me change the channel,
and then she gets kicked off.
And I feel badly for saying I didn't like her.
You'd think I would learn.
It is hard being a critic.
Let's see...we are going to a indoor garden today.
That should be nice and springy.
I will meet Morning Rose and her children there.
Isn't that cool? I wanted to try some hand lotion she mentioned in the comments and
before you know it, we are meeting for a little flowery fun and a hand lotion purchase :o)
Speaking of spring.....the weatherman says we are in for more snow tonight.
Oh! Steph asked in the comments for some homeschooling/parenting advice.
Ok. My oldest is 9, 3rd grade curriculum. Middle just turned 5 - so we're doing reading, letters, words. Simple. Not very structured, but it suits him and he's learning.
How do I help my 9 year old get over the sense of injustice he feels that he has to work more and longer than his siblings?? [Youngest is 3.] It's becoming a real problem and I don't really know what to do about it... help! Any ideas?
Steph in Racine
Please leave your words of wisdom in the comments.
And Nancy, you can leave your microscopic wisdom there too.
Encourage one another,
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