Friday, November 08, 2013

Beautiful morning. Friends Forever.


Let there be light

I was looking for a song that had to do with morning....
but then I looked to see if the following song was on Youtube.

And there it was.

Soon after little Patrick was born,  big Patrick moved up to his home town to start working for his mother in preparation for buying Boucher's Bakery.

I stayed behind in Clarendon Hills, Illinois with baby Patrick to sell the townhouse.

This sitcom was on during that time and I learned this song and sang it to my sweet baby boy.
How fitting that his lullaby was a sitcom theme song.

It's precious.
You will see.

Encourage one another,

p.s.  Did you sing something unusual to your babies?


  1. Okay, this song is so '80s and very sweet.

    I love being reminded of those simpler times. My kids were born around about the same time (early 80's) and I remember going to see Tootsie in the theater with my first born and losing a nursing pad! Sorry: over share.

    Anyway, I am wracking my brain but can't remember the songs I sang to them. And that makes me a bit sad and also a bit worried about myself. I know I wrote them down in their baby books, which are back in Illinois.

    Can I tell you what I *DO* remember? What my Grandpa sang to me, when I was about 5 years old:

    "Little tiny Susie came to our house to stay,
    to wash the pots and pans and to sweep the crumbs away"

    He made up new verses every time I went for a visit. (I was going through a "I want to help" stage, I believe). He was amazing.

    Thanks for bringing to mind so many sweet memories. Oh, and I love tree shadows. :-)

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      What a super special Grandpa!

  2. Every morning in the early 70's my little son and I would cuddle on the sofa and watch The Courtship of Eddie's Father. The theme was "People let me tell you 'bout my best friend". He remembers those days to this day too, and I still sing a little bit every now and then when he comes over. Our other songs were Good night my Someone, from The Music Man, Good morning Merry Sunshine (the poem), You are my Sunshine--we loved to harmonize to that one,and several others. When I say "our", I can't leave out my daughter. She and my son sing these songs to their kids now, and I found out in March, God willing, I will be a G Grandma !!

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      My dad is a G Papa and he loves those little ones.
      Praying for a blessed, happy, safe and loving time for your growing little one and his/her parents. jep

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Mom used to sing to me a lot. Her favorite was Summertime. When it came to "your daddy's rich and your mama's good looking" Mom always added "ha ha that is a laugh"! Dad would sing On Top of Old Smokey "angels in heaven know I love you" still makes me teary.

  4. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Such a wonderful song to sing to your little guy. My children were often sick so I would sing "Great is Thy Faithfulness." But also, "You are my Sunshine," which I also sing to my grand babies. They sing back now, too. Your song brought tears to my eye. :)

    jenny w.

  5. I used to sing A, You're Adorable, Winnie the Pooh, Tell Me Why, You are My Sunshine, Country Roads, and Santa Claus is Coming to Town (all year round for my daughter). I miss those days.


    1. Alison, you just helped me to remember ... I sang Winnie the Pooh to them! yes :-)

  6. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I sang "Baby Mine" from Dumbo to my kids. What I would give to be able to transport back in time and enjoy another evening of rocking in the rocking chair with a baby on my shoulder, singing that song. I also sang "My Pigeon's House" to them, an old lullaby that my grandma sang to me when I was little. The soft, "Coo-oo, coo-oo" at the end is bound to put anyone to sleep, baby or adult. And I sang "You Are My Sunshine" too. That song just exudes love.

    Debbie Z.

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    You are such a sweet mommy, Miz Boo.

    Since my baby is only 5 yrs. old, I still get to rock her and sing to her. Sometimes she wants to climb out of my arms, but hey I just hold her down and put her in a head lock. Just kidding!!....kinda. Ha Ha!
    When she was a wee little baby I used to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. : ) Now, per her request, I sing "Goodnight, sleeping beauty"'s a made up song that she has requested. : )

    Happy Friday to you all,
    Sarah P. from Iowa

  8. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Dear Donna, what a lovely blog theme...songs we remember singing to our it.
    I had quite the song list going as our boys did not ever want to go to sleep and I would read and sing to them until they did. Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, Summertime (yes, like the person here in QLCS), Day By Day and their favorite was Joy to the World aka Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog...altho I left a few words out. ;-) Our grandchildren really enjoy: Do You Wanna Dance? Heaven...that moment in time just as a little one is going to sleep when they are all soft and warm and sweet and trusting. love and prayers, jep

  9. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Wow, I remember that show. Makes me miss Tony Randall. :( I really liked him and that is a precious song!!

    My ex used to sing strange songs to our kids. He sang, "Hair" and "Spill the Wine." I just sang whatever was on the radio at the time.

    Thanks for the great memory.

  10. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I'd sing "A, You're adorable" and "Close to You" (Carpenters) for both kids and then "Sweet Baby James" for Jamey, "Good Golly Miss Molly" for Moll. Greg would sing all sorts of songs and switch up the words to fit whatever was going on in the kids' lives at the time. Benefit of having a clever songwriter father. :)

    Mary Z

  11. Our family song that began when the oldest were babies is "I love you, a bushel and a peck". I love show tunes and know all the verses so now my kids do too. We sang it altogether once at a wedding reception when our table had to sing a song with the word "love" in it to go to the buffet table. We brought down the house. :-) Best of all my daughter now sings it to her children. One day when I was visiting them I sang it to my grandson and he responded with great surprise "grandma! You know that song too?"

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      That was our family song too!!!! Although our parents are no longer with us, we still sing it to each other as grown adults. "You betcher pretty neck I do, do, do, do, do, do,do, ~ do, do, do, yeah!" <3

  12. "You Are the Sunshine of my Life" by Stevie Wonder; sang it a lot!

    You are the sunshine of my life
    That's why I'll always be around,
    You are the apple of my eye,
    Forever you'll stay in my heart

  13. Michael card 'let me tell you of a man who was before the world began... He loves you more than anyone can, known by the name of Jesus....'

    You are my sunshine...

    The theme from"it takes two", also early80s - show me your future,and ill show you mine, that's where love spends the night....

  14. Anonymous10:04 PM

    "I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck, a barrel and a heap, a barrel and a heap a barrel and a heap and I'm talkin in my sleep about chu, about chu!" I'm in tears.

    1. awwwwwwww---isn't love and life wonderful? Thank you God.

  15. Carol in Oregon6:58 AM

    Donna, I just spent time with a girlfriend who lives in a poor country, working with people who have been ground down by the difficulties of life. She asks women, "What song did you sing to your kids today?" Sadly, the response is a blank stare. ---Carol B.

  16. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I remember this show-I thought it was very sweet. I also sing You are my Sunshine to my two daughters. Whenever I needed a break and my husband would rock them to sleep, he would hum the theme music to Jeopary-LOL! whatever works

  17. I love this conversation, and I think I found a few new songs to sing to my little one! My favorite is "Think of Me" from Veggie Tales. My 4-year-old just calls it "Mommy's Song" :)


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