Monday, November 04, 2013

Good Morning November.

My friend Bonnie sent me to this blog last week.  She knew I would love the knitting.
Well.  She was right!  Not only do I love the knitting...I am charmed by this lovely woman named Ginny and her beautiful pictures of her quiet life.

Small Things blog

In which Ginny ruins the picture.

This is my Ginny.

Oh dear.  I was making Patrick wave and so he was smiling and Katie was laughing and that is all I saw...until I looked at the picture.

Oh my goodness.  That is quite a pose GinGin.

Katie is at school wearing jeans and an Aaron Rodger jersey.  This makes for a fun day at school.  The school principal will be wearing her Bears jersey.  Let the trash talk and rivalry begin.

Patrick Jr. is still sleeping.
Ginny is napping.

I invited the local relatives over for dinner.  I made Mugs Up (loose meat sandwiches) and chocolate malts.

It was very casual and actually went very well...except I ran out of buns.
Next time. Buy more buns.

Emma face timed us.  This freaks me out...slightly.
Face time is when you make a phone call and you can see the person you are talking to...and they can see you.  It's very Jetsons.


I thought looking at this face was a very good way to start the week.
Dear Malachi,
May you always be will with such glee.
Love you baby boy.


"November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.

With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.

The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring."
-  Elizabeth Coatsworth

Encourage one another,
Donna Elsie


  1. Amy J in WI9:41 AM

    Good Morning, Donna! Sounds like fun times in the Boucher household. Dogs have a way of not caring, don't they? Hope the boys enjoy the game will be a late night for them, but I am sure well worth it. Go Pack!

  2. I think your little Malachi looks like your little Patrick. What do you think? He is precious.

    Ginny is hilarious! I love her pose.

    I am off to visit your knitting friend. My friend Brenda knits. I think knitting girls are very cool girls. Happy Monday.

  3. love love love this poem. I think I'll put the kettle on right now.

    Ginny, you make me giggle. She's a doodle!

  4. Doggies and their etiquette! So very funny. And I always love siblings reunited! Great picture.

    And I laughed hard at the Jetson reference. When I try to skype with someone, I always think of the Jetsons!

    John is counting on Jordy Nelson for his fantasy team, so I will be rooting for the Pack tonight. Hope they have fun at the game.

    Mucho love,

  5. Anonymous10:39 AM

    That baby is absolutely adorable. When you post his pictures I cannot help but smile. He is the picture of health and joy.
    Debbie Z.

  6. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Mmmmm......chocolate malts. That's a favorite in my family. Good choice!

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  7. I see Patrick JR in that baby's face ;-)

    PS Love face-timing!! Talked for an hour with DD#2 last night ;-)

  8. Hilarious. Ginny doesn't care, she's busy.

    That baby face. Beautiful.

    I may have missed you posting it here, but I just loved the videos and photos of the the little prince from the Christening. I think of you and my daughter every time I see Kate.

  9. There's something about the term "loose meat" that I just can't handle. But chocolate malt? Now we're talking!!

  10. Anonymous2:53 PM

    "A good cook works by the fire of imagination, not merely by the fire in the stove."
    Robert P. Tristram Coffin

    I just read that quote in a little book entitled: Dream It. List it. Do it! from
    Just seems to suit you and your imaginative family meal. "Next time more buns"...made me smile as did baby Malachi and Ginny, too. Kids and dogs, you just never know what they are going to do or say next. love and prayers, jep

  11. I agree with Di. As I'm slowly but surely starting to Skype more with my kids, there is an overwhelming feeling of the Jetsons. I remember watching that show and thinking "that'll never happen!".....and here we are old enough to watch it become a reality!

    No green and gold clothes here today. I'm wearing PINK to support a friend who is having bilateral mastectomy surgery today as well as having the reconstructive surgery done immediately. My heart has been a steady rhythm of prayer for her today. BUT I will be listening to my favorite Packer radio announcers tonight......GO PACK! Hope the weather in Green Bay is better than it is here where classic November has taken over.....


    P.S. When I see Malachi, I see little Patrick!

    1. You are a good friend, Tammy! I hope your friend's surgery is successful and her recovery smooth!


  12. God bless your friend Tammy.

  13. Oh boy, that baby is adorable! I just want to pinch his cheeks!

    Our cat does the same thing, but he plops himself right in the middle of the floor, sticks a leg in the air and licks away. He's so rude, but he doesn't care!

    Have a great week, QL readers!

  14. Anonymous5:06 PM

    LOVE the poem! Add its beauty to happy Katie and Patrick Jr., busy Ginny and smiley Malachi and I'm so glad I came here today!! :)

    Mary Z

  15. When our dogs do that, scott refers to it as their 'publics.' As opposed to their 'privates'. And please don't miss the L in that word. ;)


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