Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day Post

Another video?  I just can't help it.  CBS Sunday morning is the most inspiring show.
This one is very special.


You Rock.

God bless the Vets and the helpers.

With love and gratitude,


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Oh my. Wow. So many things floating in my head after watching that video. I'm speechless and so grateful.

    Thanks for sharing, Miz Boo.

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  2. Beautiful--thank you for sharing!

  3. Thank you for this, Donna. What an outstanding piece. Music is so powerful, and to see these men sing and play is incredibly moving.

    a broken hallelujah - so beautiful.

    I can't wait to share it with my husband, as music is one of his passions.

  4. Music therapy :)

    "I may be more whole than I have ever been before" (paraphrase...)

    I love that more than anything else, watching people be healed and knowing themselves and God better than ever before after the worst has happened.

  5. Yes. I just sobbed at the end.

  6. The Today show had a young man on this morning. AMAZING. Go watch it~~what a wonderful young man!

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Thank you Donna for bringing together another intersection with God for all of us.
    A few days back in my devotion book Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus: Inspiration from the Greatest Christian Song Lyrics of All Time written by a group of contributors I read this:

    "Broken I run to You, for Your arms are open wide"

    "Some days we wish we could just stay in bed, pull the covers up, and hide from the world. We wonder why bad things happen, why evil exists, and if any good we do will ever make a difference.

    This world has a way of dashing hopes, breaking down our dreams, and sometimes even destroying what we've worked so hard to build. Feeling broken isn't where anyone want to be, yet we all face it at some point in life. So how can we put the pieces back together?

    In those moments when we find ourselves broken, we need to run to God. He's the only one who understands us completely and, as Creator, knows how to put our pieces back together."

    This video puts the devotion in perspective for me. Bad times, broken or missing parts to our bodies, God can put us back together again. "I don't play the guitar now…I play drums" as the young man said. "Now I understand" said another. What Grace God has given to them and how important their lives are to the rest of us. Alleluia indeed and thanks to those who have served, who serve and those who help God put the pieces back together again. Amen
    love and prayers, jep

  8. When he said, "I may be more whole now than I have ever been in my life." Wow! What an amazing young man.

    1. Agreeing with you Robin (and Emma ^^) that last minute of the program was what made me break into the ugly crying. The truth that he spoke was so powerful.

  9. Sobbed. I sing this at the club all the time. Means more now..

  10. Did you meet Kathie Lee. She showed a picture of Rev. Graham on her show today.

  11. Anonymous1:28 PM

    No words to describe how I feel after viewing. Thanks ever so much for sharing.

    Mary Z

  12. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Awesome post, Donna! Hope lives -- and our vets are the fabric of this country...

    --Mary from Wheaton


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