Friday, May 16, 2014

CNA Speaking Exchange.

Grab your tissues and watch this sweet video.

"I love you."

Too wonderful.

Encourage one another,

p.s. thank you Kathie Lee and Hoda for showing this on your show.


  1. This made me cry so hard. What a beautiful video. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Oh, I wish my grandmother had the opportunity to do this... my mom and day would be wonderful. They are so tech savvy! I am going to look into it. And yes, my heart is bursting, and tears are flowing!!

  3. That put such a smile on my face this morning! What a beautiful gift for both the "old folks" and the kids.

  4. Awww, Donna, thank you for telling us about this. What a great idea! Tears here too.

    Donna and QL readers, can I ask you all to pray for my son, Ryan and his wife and 2 children. They are surrounded by wildfires in CA. My son is a Marine and he will have to go out today on a helicopter to rescue people who didn't leave under the mandatory evacuations. Pray for him to be safe? Thank you...this mom is very anxious today and trusting the Lord.

    1. Praying for sure Robin. God Bless them all and you too. A mother's love in times of trouble is so heart-felt. XXOO

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM

      prayers your way

      Sarah P. from Iowa

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Dear God, We know you will be watching over Ryan and his family and all who are in the wildfire's path. Please bless all first responders and their families and send your angels to guide everyone to safety. God in your mercy, hear our prayers. Amen
      love and prayers, jep

    4. (adapted from a prayer book) O God, our every present help in trouble, we ask You to be with Robin's son in this day of danger. Keep him calm, composed, confident, trustful. You are with Ryan. See him through this difficult day. Let us not doubt that You can help to the uttermost.

      O Lord, we put all our trust in You. Strengthen our faith. Give Robin and Ryan's wife courage. Protect all the Marines on this mission and, above all, preserve us all in Your grace now and forevermore, for the sake of our Redeemer, Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen

    5. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Robin, I am praying for your son, Ryan, and his family today. May the Lord protect Ryan in his rescue efforts, give him courage and strength, and bless him for helping other people.

      Debbie Z.

    6. I've been praying, but could not comment from my friend's computer. God bless you all - and keep your family safe :-)

    7. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Mary Z

  5. God bless Ryan and all the first responders!

  6. Awww. A great idea! More hope for our world when I see those smiling faces.

    Praying for your family, Robin. May the Lord bless them and keep them safe.

  7. This was so beautiful. They couldn't have picked a better representative of our society than our older generation. The Greatest Generation. While I know the exercise is to help them with their English, I like the charming way they structure their sentences !! I wish our younger generation admired older citizens as much as foreign country's do. Thanks so much for posting this. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I'm speechless. That was so wonderful. Thank you for sharing the video.

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    What a marvelous idea to tap into the wisdom and willingness of our older citizens to encourage and educate and love young people who want to learn English. There is a college somewhere in the U.S. that has a retirement home adjacent to the campus. The children of the students at the college have a Day Care Center in the retirement home and the students can also live with the seniors in apartments of their own. We have so much wasted talent and knowledge in our country, seems like connecting the old and young would be a "no brainer" as our eldest son says. Thank you Donna for always finding the subject, the art, the music that encourages us all. love and prayers, jep

    1. ^^^What jep said, a thousand times over.

  10. I have never been to Windsor (the facility in the video), but my sister Dorothy has been there many times. Several dear people to our family have lived there. The grace of God is so evident in the residents.

    Oh, this truly inspires me. One of my teachers used to say, "What you are in old age, is what you are in young age, only magnified. If you want to be a sweet, little, old lady, you must be a sweet, young lady." I definitely have some mid-course corrections to make.

    Once again, dear Donna, you have achieved your goal: I. am. encouraged. Thank you!

    1. How remarkable that you are familiar with this residence!!!

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Carol, is Windsor a Christian facility? The older people in the video are all so very sweet and so kind, they just seem like loving Christian people. I was so touched by this. What a wonderful idea.

      Debbie Z.

    3. Yes, Debbie, it is. And they are. It's in Carol Stream, IL (the town next door to Lombard, where I grew up.)

    4. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Carol, I drove by this very facility just the other day!!! What are the odds??

      Mary Z

    5. Small world stories...I love them, Mary!

  11. Anonymous10:23 AM

    So sweet, thanks for sharing!

  12. Anonymous10:55 AM

    What a brilliant idea! Perfection.

  13. Incredibly sweet and uplifting! Thanks for sharing, Donna.

  14. Donna, I sent this link to my sister. She just called me and said that the man combing his hair in the video goes to her church. Small world, huh? :)

  15. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Stupendous idea and super sweet video!!!

    Mary Z

  16. Oh my gosh the call the midwife finale! I cried so much!

    1. Man! Call the Midwife is the MOST emotional show on the telly.

    2. Haven't watched yet, just downloaded to my kindle ... I was going to watch on airplane tonight but maybe I should wait so I don't cry in public?


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