Monday, May 05, 2014

Malachi's first birthday

Malachi's decorations. By Melinda with help from Katie.

Melinda is great at decorating!  

Asher played outside while we decorated.  I taught him how to make the pin wheel spin when the wind is not blowing.

Happy first birthday dear Malachi.

There is usually something that makes babies smile.  The fake sneeze did it for this sweetie.

I love his blurry little hand.

All this fake sneezing is exhausting.

Party Parents

The happy and tireless parents.  I think you two are amazing; working so hard and doing a beautiful job with your little boys!  God bless!

Encourage one another,


  1. Happy Birthday little Malachi! I am thankful you could spend the weekend with your little lovely grandsons. They are the cutest things! Sweet. Sweet. SWEET! Melinda is a great decorator. I love the sea of tissue paper. I also love the goldfish in the pond on the cake. How fun is that? I love little people. I am so glad God gave you 2 of them. Happy Monday.

  2. Wonderful!! So great to share special days and enjoy one another. The kiddos are looking fantastic (big "kids" and the little ones too! Your grandsons are adorable!!) xxx

  3. Oh gracious, this is such a joyful, wonderful post. The colors, the smiles, the love. I'm feeling pretty mushy right now :)

  4. Amy J in WI10:06 AM

    Beautiful pics, Donna! I love all the blue...and it looked like it was warmer in Omaha than it was in WI! Bonus!

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    First birthdays are always extra special. Thanks for sharing a peek at your weekend! Everyone looks great, including the decorations!

    Sarah P. from Iowa

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Those precious grand boys are getting even cuter all the time.
    Thanks so much for sharing your good time celebrating Malachi and his sweet family.
    love and prayers, jep

  7. What a beautiful family! I love birthdays. Our Rex just turned 21 on Saturday and he asked his dad if they could go out for his first drink. I love that!

    You've got great times ahead, Melinda and Matthew. And beautiful boys to enjoy right now.

    Great pictures, Donna. So glad you could go and celebrate with your fam.


    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Happy Birthday to Rex! We went out as a family for both of our guys to have their first drink per their request. Seems like only yesterday, my how time flies.
      love and continued prayers, jep

    2. We did the same with our daughters! They wanted dad to take them to Chili's!! Ah the memories :-)

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM


    4. I love that name ... Rex. It means "King" in Latin and was my dad's name. It's nice to see the "old fashioned" names making a comeback. Happy Birthday to your son, Rex!

    5. Rex is our third child, and my husband is a third child. He wanted a strong name, one that would remind him of his quality. And my great-grandaddy was a Rex, so VOILA.

      And now I have a 23 yo, a 22 yo and a 21 yo (and 18 and 15). MAN! Those three kids are close together.


  8. Anonymous11:33 AM

    It looks so magical. Melinda is a genius - not too much stuff, just the right amount of decorating perfection for a 1 year old. love her shorter hair. and the boys - oh my. rumbly tumbly boys. so wonderful. looks like you are all enjoying this wonderful stage.

  9. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Happy Birthday, Malachi! I love the turquoise and white checked shirt with the orange shorts. The color in these photos is amazing and are those boys ever the picture of health with their rosy cheeks and beautiful eyes. Melinda's cake is adorable with the gold fish crackers. What a happy post.

    Debbie Z.

  10. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Happy 1st birthday, dear Malachi!! All of these pix are great, but the one of the birthday boy standing in front of the fridge -- oh my, his chubby little feet and toes!! How precious. :)

    Mary Z

  11. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Beautiful, just beautiful. Karen F.

  12. Happy birthday to Malachi! He looks so much like his mama! Sweet boys.

  13. Thank you for the overdose of CUTE!!!!

  14. Those boys are so gorgeous! What beautiful eyes they're a blessed grandmother, indeed!

  15. Anonymous8:16 AM

    what a beautiful couple and family....


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