Wednesday, May 07, 2014


I need to move lots of files from my computer to the MyBook.  My computer is full.  I am not kidding when I say that.  My computer is so full it is about to go on strike.  It moves very slow and even has trouble loading new images.  My pictures are what take up all the space.  So I have to look at the pictues, name them, move them, delete redundant pictures and trash pictures I don't care about any more.

I can tell you a few things I have learned from this process.

1. Katie is photogenic.
2. There is no shortage of Katie pictures.
3. I love to take a lot of pictures of Katie.

Here are some funny pictures I found.  I did not know that photobooth made a file in photoshop Bridge.
I don't remember telling it to do that.  But it did.  And it's funny.


We are just a bunch of hams, I tell ya.

Encourage one another,


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    You certainly bring beauty and laughter into my "Must Do Laundry" morning.

    He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11
    love and prayers, jep

    1. I'm so glad Jep! Such a blessing you are.

    2. Now I want to read Ecclesiastes. Thank you :)

    3. I love this post, the reminder to laugh and your happy photos.

      And the lovely verse in Ecclesiastes, which always brings to mind that old chorus ... "in His time, in His time -- He makes all things beautiful in His time ..."

      Happy sigh

    4. Anonymous1:09 PM

      love you guys, jep

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Emma and Ginny in the last photo!!! So so funny!! :)

    Good luck with the picture project. Please continue to take and share photos of photogenic Katie, okay?

    Mary Z

    1. Thank you Mary! That's such a nice thing to say! Love you.

  3. Silly photobooth pics. They can be the best, worst quality pictures/memories you can have. Ginny loves being held...

  4. Replies
    1. It takes hours, Dana. It's hard. I enjoy seeing the pictures tho.

  5. sonjasunshine1:34 PM

    Katie is very photogenic & so is Emma & so is their momma! Looks like a slice of Americana. And every picture of Ginny just melts my heart. What a sweetie.

  6. So fun! I am literally a year behind on organizing and printing the pictures from my computer...each one of my kids has their own photo album and then I have a family get overwhelming I am thinking about going to the photo books rather than an album...what do you think?!

  7. I am trying to get the same job done, Donna. Sigh. It is hard work.

    I love your pictures and look forward to many many more of your photogenic family.


  8. What's a MyBook? Or was that a MacBook auto-correct? Our iMac is in the same state. Working hard to back things up and organize.. and print a couple of books a year, or our grandchildren will have to remember us gathered around a hard drive.. alas.

    1. My book is a hard drive that you can move and store your computer stuff on.

  9. So, I just had the same problem - computer full, all in iphoto. I have also been very panicky about my computer not being backed up on the cloud....after hearing horror stories of close friends who've lost every picture they had. My husband helped me get an amazon storage account (after telling me that hard drives go bad over time) -- you go dump your data over there when you want to as opposed to the services like Carbonite that come and copy things off your computer automatically for you. So, if you would like off site storage, I can recommend that option! :)

    Also, when he was looking at my computer, he asked me if I had ever emptied my iphoto trash. Well, no, just the trash on my desktop...turns out there were 42,000 deleted images in there!! I didn't even know it existed. Needless to say, my computer ran so much better after we deleted that!! It was taking up so much of my memory.

    I'm not sure I could have figured that out on my own. So, just some tips if those help out. :)

  10. Our Mac. It chugs. :/


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