Friday, March 13, 2015


"Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet especially your family.
Be holy-
Let us pray."

~Mother Teresa


  1. As the hair grows, the girl grows too. Gosh, I've been reading since she was the little girl on your lap on the front page of your blog. My son is 14 and I see him every day of course, but sometimes the reminders of seeing someone else's child grow are very touching. Congratulations on all of your beautiful kids and grandkids, Donna Elsie!

  2. Gorgeous eyes on that girl.

  3. Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Happy Friday! Happy Weekend!

  5. Wonderful message - share the joy!

    Which is exactly what you do here, Donna :-)

    P.S. your girlio has a great smile!!

  6. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Love, joy, Jesus, prayer...all things that go together.
    One of my favorite Mother Teresa quotes is: "Let us pray for each other, for this is the best way to love one another."

    Katie's hair is growing....cutie pie!
    love and prayers, jep

  7. Love the quote, Donna! AND......does this mean Katie is done with the short look and is growing her hair out?

    Tammy ~@~

  8. The pictures and quote so go perfectly together.

  9. Lynne4:07 AM

    Katie and Emma look so similar :)

  10. Allison B9:28 AM

    I understand the desire for a ponytail Katie! I've been growing my hair since last December and I finally got to the point where I don't need bobby pins to make a ponytail. Hang in there, it looks great!


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