Wednesday, February 24, 2016

lipstick sessions

Katie went to a concert in Milwaukee with her longtime friend Leonie.  Leonie give the ticket to Katie for her birthday/Christmas.  It was such a wonderful gift!!
Leonie's mom drove them too.  Such a nice family!

Katie has been having issues with her eye.  It is getting very bloodshot.  After talking to a nurse and process of elimination...I think it is old makeup.  (She did not wear eye makeup for two days and it cleared up...wore it last night and she work up with a bloodshot eye again.)

On Saturday she got dressed in her favorite outfit and put on her favorite lipstick (five hours before leaving) and even tho her eye was messed up...I thought she looked so pretty in her braids and matte lipstick.

So I took pictures and tried to 'hide' the red eye.

I think she did a great job of taking the focus off her bloodshot eye and putting it on her lips and hairdo and happiness.

Happy girls are the prettiest.

Miz Boo


  1. She looks marvellous!!!

    Didn't Audrey Hepburn say that?

    I wish I was brave enough to wear that gorgeous shade. I think it helps to be young and carefree. :)

    1. I thought it was Aubrey, too, but you never can tell with all the misinformation on the internet.

    2. True, that ... maybe it was Abraham Lincoln?? ;)

  2. ... and beautiful!

  3. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Now that I see the other two photos, I'm not sure which I like best! The first one looks like she's taking a deep breath to blow out candles on a birthday cake! And she looks so happy in the second one. And the third. . . well, I said enough about that one on your FB page. :-)

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Oh that third picture is for sure my favorite and very 40's looking, back when beauty was the simple look. ;-) I read somewhere that the movie stars are going more simple with make-up these days, well maybe not Lady Gaga, but some of the others. And, I only know about her from the recent People magazine I read in the doctor's waiting room. (There for a dermatologist check up for Dad, not me.) Praying Katie's eye gets well quickly. love and prayers, jep

  5. Katie has such a wonderful sense of style! What a wonderful gift from her friend! Was the concert at the Rave? Molly has spent many a fun evening there. :)

  6. Yes. She was at the rave. Troye Sivan

  7. Susan, I've seen it attributed to Audrey... But I have my doubts.

    1. Yep. I just googled it; seems doubtful. But it is fun imagining her saying it :)

  8. I love the bold lipstick! There are certain make up brands that really bother my eyes, even when they are new. I hope new make up is the answer!

  9. The focus was on her beautiful smile and personality. I wouldn't have noticed the red eye.

  10. So it's official! It's all about the lipstick! (Not the eyes ... or the bass (lol).)
    She looks killer ☆

  11. Katie looks beautiful. Very impressed with her style.

    Now me....I'd have that lipstick all over my teeth, face, hands and I know I'd be pulling out my Carmex in no time. :)

  12. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I was just thinking the other day that it had been quite a while since you had put up pictures of Katie and on your blog- and here they are, beautiful shots of your beautiful girl. I love the red lipstick. Not everyone can pull it off, but she sure can.

    Debbie Z.

  13. Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the bottom picture ... there is something "timeless" about it. Linda


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