Monday, February 01, 2016

Downton Abbey. Bad Harvest.

This was by far the craziest dinner party ever.  I bet Fellows had a blast writing it.
I wonder if they let them film that at the castle.  I would guess no.

Oh poor Lord Grantham.
He had sweet 'i think i might be dying' words for Cora.

And Violet pulling out all the stops to get her way.  Oy.
Not a nice dinner.  

I'm glad I wasn't there for that.

But what I do love is that Violet and Mrs. Crawley are true friends.
They really do care about each other.  (oh my they bicker and differ...but they care deeply.)

(More great writing.  More fabulous character development)

My favorite scene last night was Bates and Anna. (shocker I know)
(seriously, I read a Facebook quote I wrote from a few years ago and it said,
I hate that chauffeur. And now I love him.  And Barrows....used to hate him, now I am cheering and crying for him.)

Call me wishy washy.

My husband was watching me watch "The Way We Were" yesterday and he said,  look at you smiling at all the times they want you to smile.

I said, I'm an empath.

I am the perfect heart is in it, that is for sure.

Any way....Bates and Anna!!  I loved the BAD HARVEST scene.

I didn't like Mrs Hughes and Carson bickering.  It made me feel bad inside.
I didn't find it funny.  Where is my sense of humor?
Perhaps this was too close to home....
I have a hard time pleasing my family in the kitchen and with my housekeeping ways.

So tell me what you thought?

Did you laugh out loud when Lord Grantham got sick?  Like my sister Janet! haha

I love all the extra historical tidbits Fellows is adding this season.
Just love it!!!

Bad Harvest!!!


  1. They DID film it at the castle! And the blood disintegrated Cora's vintage dress when they tried to clean it!!! Google the Vanity Fair article about the scene. It was awesome.

    Janet, you LAUGHED?!?! #exorcism Sheesh!!!!

    I still don't cheer for Thomas. I hope daisy marries Andy.

    1. I just sent the article to you, Donna, privately on Facebook, the same article stephie is speaking of. Great minds think alike!

      I love how Isobel gave Violet her arm to help her to the car.

      Tom Branson is a rock. I love him.

      Daisy continues to irk me.

      But of course she is supposed to!

      I thought it was sweet between Edith and Bertie.

      As"crisis"episodes go for Downton, THIS one was bloody(we) but at least it ended well by close of episode.

      Denker: ugh

      This season is fabulous!!

    2. Edit: should read "eww!" Dang autocorrect :-P

  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Ugh, that scene was not good for me....I have a "tender" side when it comes to illness and I was shocked and only watched the rest of the dinner scene from behind my hands. My first thought was of you each one here at QL that had not seen it yet....we saw it last week from Netflix. I don't know how you keep from saying things Susan that would be spoilers I know, but it is hard knowing some things. Mum is the word. Like Steph, my husband is not for Thomas...but I feel sorry for him a little bit, he made his bed and now he is having to lie in it. He just does not seem to be able to keep the devil on his shoulder from goading him on...sadly. I am so glad you wrote about DA Donna. And, yes the Bad Harvest scene was my favorite. I love Bates for what he did yelling Bad Harvest out loud! love and prayers, jep

    1. My heart goes out to Barrow. I am glad he has Baxter. She shows such grace to him, and I think it proves her kind character.

      I try very hard not to give spoilers!! Hugs to you, jep xxx

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Hugs back Susan! Would love to have a round table discussion of DA when all is said and done. Is there a possibility of a movie, do you or does anyone know? I think it would be fun to see them all older. jep

  3. Steph, I was just so SHOCKED!! I couldn't believe my eyes. I seriously though he was going to pass out or have a heart attack, I never envisioned throwing up BLOOD on the dining room table, the dresses, the food, the linens LOL I'm still laughing.

    My favorite part was Violet's "speech" aka rant when she was firing her maid. Those lines are perfect.

  4. Ps. Carson is a snob.

  5. Denker annoys me even more than obrien did. Ugh.

    And Edith said she was born in 92. It's supposedly 24-ish, right? She's 32?!?!?!?

    How old does that make mary?!?!?

    1. The internet says Mary was born in 1891.

  6. That dinner scene was scary and way too bloody for me! I read an article about the filming of it -- and they did do it in Highclere Castle, but they practiced offsite to find the range of "splatter" and to know where to put drop cloths down. However, they did not know that Cora's dress would be "hit" which was a major concern as its an antique. Everyone was impressed with Hugh's acting ability as it was all him and no artificial pumps were used.

    1. Oops! Sorry I didn't see Steph's comment before posting so this is rather repetitive!

    2. Also, loved Mary and Edith exchanging glances when the ambulance arrived. And their walk down the hallway when they returned from the hospital -- some type of closeness is coming, I hope. That would be so very nice for both of them!

    3. The marigold secret has just got to come out. I can't believe mary doesn't know. And I'm beginning to hold out quiet hopes for mary and branson to end up together - all their recent conversations about marriages being equal partnerships, etc... I don't know, I think it could happen!

  7. I'm so glad Mr. Mason is nearby now. I'm shocked Daisy would toss the note for Mrs.P. what the heck!

  8. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I'm just wondering if romance is possibly coming for Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason. They seemed very happy setting up his new place. And I agree with Janet, Carson is a bit of an old poop. How dare he criticize Mrs. Hughes and her tender bride's heart. I liked seeing a connection between Mary and Edith, too, over their father's health. Maybe a good relationship is coming for those two. While I think Mary is gorgeous, her personality is just too icy for me, so I root for Edith. What a great tender scene between Edith and her suitor. Loved it.

    Debbie Z.

  9. Here are two different explanations of Donkorcist on Downton:
    -An exec producer was interviewed here:

    -Hugh Bonneville talks about Donkorcist in a Masterpiece podcast (scroll down for transcript if you don't want to listen):

    The accounts are very similar, but slightly different about how many takes there where and the producer doesn't seem to know someone was handing cups of "blood" to Hugh so he could keep spraying. (Slight differences like witnesses trying to recount something horrible they've seen!) Definitely the grossest thing ever on Downton!

    The costume designer tweeted months ago that they had 2 dresses for Mary for this scene, but oddly Mary was nowhere near the blood. Instead Cora was sloshed.

    I find the scenes at (or about) Yew Tree with Mr Mason very hard to watch. I love Mr Mason, but these scenes are just a reminder of how awful Edith was to the Drewes. Edith has never been a favorite of mine, so this story made her all the more unbearable. :-/

  10. I agree. I can not be happy for Mr. Mason or drippy Daisy for that matter.

    1. I'm still happy for Mason, and that he knows where they'll lay his bones. It's not his fault that Mr. Drew had to go.

      At the same time I am sad for the Drews.

    2. You are sweet and quite diplomatic :o)

    3. This just proves what a sap I am for the show!!

  11. Seriously thought it was Utrie Farm.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Ashamed (?) to say I'm still not watching. Is that just totally wrong? It's like when I was told to watch Parenthood ... And I lollygaged until it was several seasons in! ...anyways, with The Way We Were - we are on the same page. I just let myself smile where they want me to there. I've got to smile when I'm supposed to Somewhere in my life, right??!

    1. Sharon,
      Some day you can watch and I will tell you to skip seasons four and five.
      You can do that in a weekend :o) Well...I could.
      The final season will make you smile at your tv.

  13. We are loving season 6 here at our house. My girls and I gasped in horror when Robert spewed "blood." I don't want it to end. I saw the article on Monday about how they filmed the scene. If you haven't read it yet, look it up. Very interesting.

  14. Agree about Carson being a snob - and also not liking his "rough" attitude toward his new bride!! HOWEVER, I loved the scene with the ambulance leaving Downtown and Carson standing in the doorway watching his longtime friend/employer leaving - with outcome uncertain...that part was dear to me.


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