Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday!!!

Katie does not know all of the days of the week, in order, quite yet. But as you know, she really likes when it is Tuesday. So we sing a Mr. Rogers song about the days of the week so she can hear when Tuesday is coming. The rows on the calendar do not make complete sense yet...but that will come too.

Over 20 years ago I was a teacher's aide in a classroom with 3 and 4 year old hearing impaired children. Every day we sat on little chairs in front of a big calendar and signed, "Good Morning. Today is Monday. We are at school. How are you today? You look beautiful today."

They stared wide eyed and quiet. By Christmas they were answering 'fine'. Their language learning had just begun. One boy had deaf parents so he had a head start with sign language. One February morning when I signed 'Good Morning Charles. You look beautiful today." He signed back. "Beautiful. You."
He understood. I will never forget this little boy with curly blond hair and nimble fingers and his compliment...that was so much more than a compliment.

Katie will have a full day of socializing and exercising. It is the last day of the gymnastic session so parents are allowed to come into the class. Patrick is coming and Katie will be so happy to have him there!

There is a really sweet group of children in this class (only six)...and the mom's are just as sweet. We have such a nice time visiting during class.

Tuesdays are pretty special around here. Two gym classes, three social opportunities for mom, and guitar for Emma.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart."
-Helen Keller

Encourage one another,

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