Clair Huxtable: You are Claire Huxtable from The
Cosby Show. You have high expectations for your
children, just like you have high expectations
for yourself. You've probably got your own life
and your own career, but nothing is more fun
than spending time with your family. You may be
a professional woman, but you enjoy getting
silly with the kids sometimes.
You want good kids, but you also want them to be
successful, smart individuals who can speak
their minds as long as they do so
respectfully. While you enjoy being the kind of
mom that your kids can come to with a problem,
you are not afraid to set them straight when
they're acting badly. When it comes to
discipline, you try treat your kids like
adults, talking calmly and coolly. And that's
ultimately why they're going to grow up with
such unwavering respect for you as both a
mother and a successful person.
Which TV Mom are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Well...I'll agree with about half of that assessment :o)
My high expectations for my children are matters of the heart...not career.
Calm and cool...that's about 50% of the time too.
I can be quite dramatic. Where do you think Katie got her flair for the dramatic :o)
Oh yes, speaking of dramatic. Last night was the Awana Christmas program. The director picked very nice songs for the children to sing. When Katie knew the words (which isn't all of the time) she sang very loud!
Too funny!
God is so good to give her old parents this funny little girl who delights and embarrasses us with her antics!
Moo, moo...baa, baa....hee haw...
Baby Jesus, we love you!
Encourage one another,
What television mother are you most like?
And who did they forget?
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