While we were gone..
1. Dear Hubby made himself fresh noodles for his left over spaghetti. (oh yeah, he worked ten hours too)
2. Young Matthew found the gift he has been looking for, for Katie.
Katie wants a Chi-chi-chi-chia pet. (this is how she says it...just like the commercial on television) It turns out that Matthew always wanted a chia pet too. But his mean mother never bought him one.
(His mean mother thinks...it's junk...buy a toy that lasts, like a puzzle or brio train)
But Matthew has been a good worker this year and he has money...and this Christmas he is the happy shopper...and being the sensitive kid that he is(deep down where we don't usually see it) he wanted Katie to have what he never had...the amazing chia pet.
3. Many wonderful readers filled the comments 'box' with interesting, thoughtful responses to my 'improper pride' query.
Thank you. I do think I understand what Lizzy meant now.
The packages have been arriving daily from all over the country from my siblings. (how do you like that...siblings :o) We have received a beautiful wreath, brownies, See's chocolate, a Harry and David gift box, a box of yummy snacks, and some fun seasonal gifts from Sue. We have not opened the main box because I don't think it is food...but this fun prize was placed on top...

As I have mentioned before...squinting at ones Christmas tree is very nice. But these magical glasses make every light a colorful star.
I even braved the freezing temps to see what our street would look like.
It looks very sparkly.
Fun gift Sue. I will insist all of the Boucher's try them on when they come over for Christmas Eve :o)
Many thanks to all...the wreath is hung and the food is being enjoyed...daily!
I hope you are all enjoying yourselves...and not stressing too much.
It is a beautiful thing in God's eyes.
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