Oooooo...I am so excited.
This is my first hat. It is a very cool hat for many reasons.
1. It is made from baby alpaca yarn. This is incredibly soft and stretchy.
2. I have not knitted anything for Matthew since he was a baby.
3. The pattern is very easy and very free. Find it at Wendy Knits.
4. The yarn is a gift from Janet for my birthday :o) She sent me a gift certificate to Patternworks. Aren't I a lucky girl!
5. I love patterns that use just one skein of yarn!
I'm so glad I have such a willing, pretty model to work with!
(There. I am not fixing that sentence. Does it drive you nuts to see that preposition at the end? We once discussed this grammar phenomenon on the Well Trained Mind boards. I think we decided it was a decidedly Midwesten way of speaking. And while it is incorrect-Never End a Sentence with a Preposition-I
feel fake switching it around.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
How's that for a rabbit trail?)
You are going to love this pattern!

This beautiful pattern can be found at Knitty.com
It is so very Sense and Sensibility.
I do think it is the prettiest sweater I have ever seen!
Get knitting :o)
Encourage one another,
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