Here is a cookie that tastes best when cooked and iced.
Katie and her Daddy mixed this dough Saturday evening. It sat in the fridge all night...

Baking commenced on Sunday to the delight of all.
Patrick does not know his way around our kitchen very well and didn't think to look for the clear butter flavoring. Next time the icing will be white :o)
None of us care.
I encouraged Patrick to take cookies to work. His fellow employees will get to share in his yummy cookies and get to know more about their boss/co-worker. The personal touch never hurts?
***I can not share this recipe. Sorry
Emma and I went shopping a little yesterday afternoon.
Emma picked out some clothes for Christmas gifts, I purchased slippers for Patrick (which I hear he has already tried on) and bought Christmas cards. I'm glad Emma came with me...I have raised a true bargain shopper!
She also has a good eye for makeup, so I tried on lipstick and she told me what looked the best on me. I keep saying that I am going to start wearing lipstick. Just a little color for my thin lips. Emma wrote down the color we thought looked best and I hope to find it under the tree on Christmas morning.
Me trying on lipstick is almost as funny as my husband trying on hats.
Almost :o)
The important thing about lipstick is that it is red.
It is shiny and bright,
and makes your lips stand out.
But the important thing about lipstick is that it is red.
see The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown
I think if I wear lipstick, everyone will look at me and say.
Look! Donna is wearing lipstick!
Emma says this is not true. I know she is right.
Did anyone see Family Man last night on the telly?
It made me cry. I sure like Tea Leoni. (She was the wife/mother in the movie)
She says to her husband, "I choose us."
Happy Monday!
Encourage one another,
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