Feast One Hundred & Twenty Four
How do you usually celebrate on New Year's Eve?
Name one thing unexpected that happened to you in 2006.
Where was your favorite place that you visited in 2006?
Main Course
What resolution is your top priority for 2007?
Using just three words, describe 2006.
Here is what I have been up to the last few days...
It looks difficult...but it's not.
Cool, huh?
Here is the free pattern for the Jaywalker socks
Have fun with those Friday Feast questions...
It may take me a day or two to come up with good answers.
Have I ever told you how much I hate New Years Eve?
I have never in my whole life enjoyed a New Years Eve. Perhaps I should high tail it down to Missouri some year and party with Cindy and Sue...I'm sure those two know how to have a fun time on New Years Eve...although I happen to remember a really boring New Years up in Minocqua with Cindy.
But I think that was B.M. (before Margaritas)
Encourage one another,
December 30th UPDATE:
Hey all! I am going to leave this up again today.
I haven't answered the questions yet...
and I haven't heard much about the socks...
funny how it's the knitting talk that really thrills me....
but, alas, this is not a knitting blog...
Come and knit with me!
You would love this jaywalker pattern!