Pasta Primavera.
I whipped this up yesterday morning to take to a little lunch with friends.
I offered to bring something and I just couldn't decide on a brand-spankin' new recipe, so I
made this one for a second time.
It turned out much less runny this time. It was actually just right.
Lynn and Amy thought it was a winner!
Next time I am going to use four cloves of garlic and a whole cup of parmesan cheese.
Cause we like cheese, even Roman cheese, here in the Dairy State.'
Here are a few pointers:
Start the water boiling as soon as you start sautéing the onions and garlic.
This recipe can be made in under and hour.
It is best eaten warm with extra parmesan cheese on top.
Pioneer Woman's Pasta Primavera
Now don't go getting lost over there and never coming back, you here!
I bought some Maple Syrup yesterday so don't be surprised if I show with another newbie recipe on Monday!!!
Packers have a bye week. Which means they don't play tomorrow.
Whatever will we do with ourselves?
The most exciting news is that we have tickets to the Packers Playoff game next weekend!!!
do. do. do.
do. do. do. do.
Go. Pack. Go.
The Packers have the lamest cheer ever.
No one else does it.
It's not hip.
It's not cool.
It's really dorky.
And we love them for it.
I have started reading The Brother's Karamazov....again.
I tried to tag along and read it with Tammy and Julie. But I think I was busy, sleeping.
So, I opened it up and started reading again.
And it's funny.
Listen to this description;
[Fyodor Pavlovich] was a strange type, yet one rather frequently met with, precisely the type of man who is not only worthless and depraved but muddleheaded as well-one of those muddleheaded people who still handle their own little business deals quite skillfully, if nothing else. … Again I say it was not stupidity-most of these madcaps are rather clever and shrewd-but precisely muddleheadedness, even a special, national form of it.
Perhaps the best, funniest description I have read in a long time.
And my new favorite word is 'muddleheadedness'.
From a teeny bit of research I find that not all translations use this great word.
Seems Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky decided upon 'muddlehead' on their own.
So get their translation.
It looks like this;
Buy this book because they say muddleheadedness in it.
I am pure genius.

I learned a new techinque in Lightroom photoshop.
I love what it did to Katie's eyes and lips.
Her freckles are gone.....but heaven knows I have a hundred pictures of Katie's freckles.
Cool, huh?
Care to share a favorite description of a character or place with me (us)?
I'll be here and what else have you got to do this weekend?
I'd find it very interesting, wouldn't you?
Encourage one another,
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