Thursday, June 02, 2011

"Mom says, take the bus home."

I do not know what that is from...but we say it in our family.

It comes from Nancy's children and and from Janice, Janet and Cindy, I think.

I think it is from a commercial....perhaps someone will enlighten me.


But Emma took the bus home yesterday, she left from the UW Union.

We did not have a quarter and I walked around looking for a meter with money in it.
I did not find one.
Then we found two dimes and a nickle so I parked. I thought we had until 4:45 but we only had until 4:30.

I find it utterly ridiculous that a grown woman doesn't have a few quarters.
It put a great big crimp in our goodbye.

And then I forgot how to use the camera.

Dear Moms,
I understand. Sometimes things happen too fast and you are emotional and the pictures turn out crappy.


But I have my memories...
Yes. I will remember the lamest send off ever.

Ah well. She will be back soon enough. Perhaps we can try again.


For Emma's birthday I bought her a necklace. It is the most perfect necklace for Emma.

It says;

I am not afraid
I was born to do this

The saying is attributed to Joan of Arc or as we like to call her Miss of Arc.
It is the perfect saying for our girl. She seems to have been born to do what she is doing right now.

Now, she is not afraid, but would you pray for her safety while in Chicago.
I'm afraid she will not be as careful as she should be. I tried to convince her to buddy up and
I think I came up with a great argument but that argument didn't really seem to win her over.

Here is my argument. If Emma asks men friends to walk with her when it gets dark and drive her places then she is giving them
the opportunity to be men with big shoulders. She would be helping them be the protectors they were made to be!
Their worth would sky rocket and their dignity would blossom.
It would be good for them....and good for her!!

Don't you think this is an excellent argument?

I do.

So until she listens to me, her wise and brilliant mother,
please pray for her.

“Don’t you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, and he would send them instantly?” – Matthew 26:53

and so....I ask....

Encourage one another and thank you,

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