Saturday, January 18, 2014


Quote and picture from  1canoe2

Resigning oneself to the influence of the earth reminds me of Amy Carmichael's "In acceptance lieth peace".

Around here, the fruit of the season seems to be pot pie.

The drink, chai.  

And well the dry we wake up with sore throats and the inability to even swallow...
When I remember to do so, I put a glass of water on the nightstand to help me out.

Life is beautiful.
Winter is long.
The sun is setting later every day.


Lots of love,


  1. I really love 1canoe2.

    I like living by the season. It's easier here, the seasons are less harsh than yours.

    I even love how we have seasonal (delicious) yogurt in the store!

    of course, coffee is my constant - seasons come and go, but it remains :-) <3


  2. Oh, i love pot pie! Yumola. Sorry about the dry air/sore throat realities of winter. We are all experiencing what I think are horrible allergies because we have had NO rain to wash things away. It is scary dry and warm in No. Cal.

    Some seasons are easier than others to lean into, but I do think there is wisdom in Thoreau's words. Those 1canoe2 women sure design beautifully.

    I was so ready for a long weekend. Yahoo!


    1. We're having the same problem with dry air/sore throats where I live in No. Cal. But a lot of people are actually reacting to all the smoke and chemicals in the air from the fireplaces and pellet stoves. Went to the allergy doctor, but there's nothing they can do to counteract the smoke's effect on the respiratory system.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Lovely thought, being content with what the seasons bring.
    We are having a winter this year which is both strange and wonderful. Our church secretary included this poem in the newsletter: "January opens the box of the year and brings out days that are bright and clear." Leland B. Jacobs Hope the dry throats get better soon. Pot pie and chai sound yummy. love and prayers, jep

  5. I do love the idea of being fully present in what each season has to offer. Wonderful musings for a Saturday. :)

  6. Oh, yes. It is. (the sun)
    I'm content with the season too. It's quiet.

  7. Sounds like you need a humidifier

  8. I have to do the same thing with the water on my nightstand! I start the day sitting on the warm kitchen radiator with my 17 year old cat Rosalyn. Our bones just feel so much better that way ….and while I cannot put my leg behind my head like she still can, I stop shivering and keep my hands warm around the coffee cup…..

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      kathy b- I love the picture of you and Rosalyn starting your day off that way!!

      Mary Z

    2. Thank you Mary Z!!! come visit my blog if you wish.
      More Rozzy there

  9. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I struggle with accepting things as I like to think I'm in control. Obviously no where near as wise as Mr. Thoreau.... I should put "In acceptance lieth peace" on my mirror. Peace to all of you this cold, snowy day!

    Mary Z

  10. I really liked the quote right up until the very.last.word. Earth? I mean, I get where he is probably coming from or going to with it. But, that word just kind of left me empty. Maybe because the clouds are back, winter is in full force, and I would prefer to resign myself to much better influences in my life? I dunno?

    I'd rather leave my reading here today with "The sun is setting later every day." Now THAT is a positive thought that makes me smile :-)

    Tammy ~@~

    1. Yes. Thoreau was a secular dude. He might have said Mother Earth, huh? But I read it thru my Christian filter and so....I know who made the earth and the you do I could be alright with it. He has given us a wonderful planet to live upon. This quote urged me to accept the seasons....especially our very long winter.

    2. Yes, true and understandable. I think as I was reading it, I was comparing it more to the seasons of life and that's where I got stuck big time.

      Sign me as "not a fan of our especially very long winter",
      Tammy ~@~


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