I have had great success with some of my knitting projects lately.
And I have had moments when I felt like I was back in algebra class.
My favorite project is not even shown. But it will have it's reveal soon. Like March 27th.
The gorgeous baby blue Angora was purchased for baby booties for baby Josiah.
The pattern is in the book Last Minute Knitted Gifts. They are beautiful booties.
I can not figure out the pattern. At all.
I hope Teri or Corrine can help me next time we get together to knit.
The wash cloths are for Betty. Two more to go and they are headed for Colorado!
The little tiny blue and green thingy is my attempt to make a baby tube sock. I am almost done with the second one. The yarn I am using is really cool!
It is called Cascade Fixation and is 99% soft cotton and 1% elastic. Therefore it is stretchy cotton yarn! Soft and stretchy cotton yarn is like the holy grail of cotton yarn! It's a miracle!
The pink is more Cascade Fixation. I am trying to fashion a summer sock.
It would really be great to knit socks...even in the summer. I'm not too keen on knitting wool socks in the summer. But soft, stretchy, cotton socks. Yes, ma'am.
Pictured, also, is the second acorn hat from my heavenly Hello Yarn yarn. This one will go in a hope chest. Next to that is a cell phone cover that needs to be seamed.
If that works out I will take a close up of it and post it.
But first I must buy a big ole tapestry needle so I can weave in all of the ends to all of these projects.
Do you see them all sticking out all over the place?
I lost my big needle.
And fortunately it has not shown up in someone's foot.
And the Sow's Ear is out of them!!! Ugh!
Soon...very soon...
Before I go, did anyone watch Nashville Star or The Amazing Race last night?
Both were just great!
We could not have eaten the meat. (four pounds of beef eaten by one person) No one in our family would have done it!
And that clever Rob thinking of a way to get out of it and then convincing the other's to do the same. It was brilliant.
Well, I'm off to meet my day.
Encourage one another,
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