8:30am--drive Emma to Flame where she studies Chemistry with her Chemistry classmates and sings in a homeschool choir.
9:00-- drop Emma off and head back home
9:30---arrive home, work around the house and pay bills.
11:00--make sandwiches ("but I don't like peanut butter."), go the library to pick up Call of the Wild, bank, post office and head back to pick up Emma.
11:45-- have quick knitting pow-wow at Flame with knitting friend Teri.***waving*** Hi Teri!
12:00--teach sign language for the song Lord Have Mercy to two girls at Flame
12:30--off the WACS State basketball tournament in Maranatha.
Emma has friends from our old home town playing...girls and boys...
I am friends with many of the parents. Also playing is the team where our boys went to high school.
1:15--arrive and gab with friends until first game.
3:00--watch the Twin City homeschool girls play in the finals.
They win!!! Very exciting game!
Katie wanders the stands looking for children to play with. She has a little baby carrier filled with beanie babies with her hoping to find a playmate.
5:30--go to Walgreens for over the counter meds.
Run to McDonald's with friends for a salad and for Katie to play at playland.
6:30--Faith Christian School plays.
Hugs and well wishes for old friends in the stands
7:15--hubby arrives. Enjoys catching up with old friends too.
8:30 Faith Christian wins a hard fought game!!!
On to the finals. I wish our boys were home to watch the game and visit with their old friends too!
9:00--head home...long chat with Emma to catch up on her visits.
Katie sleeps.
10:00--arrive home, daddy puts Katie in bed, I check the blog comments :o)
I especially like the funny family names.
Hubby checks the mail...
A letter for me from Brooklyn. Oh I think I know what will be inside...

How great is this! A friendly card from Liza Q with a letter for Katie.
A postcard of The Gates....and an actual piece of fabric from The Gates!!!
Thank you, Thank you, Liza Q
and little Hannah too!
Besides relishing in the warmth of such a thoughtful gift...
I feel like we have a little piece of art history in our house.
A very saffron piece of art history :o)
A warm color for a warm gesture!
What a day!
Thank you all for the comments! Aren't they fun!
Encourage one another,
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