Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Why Bother to Pray by Elisabeth Elliot

If God is sovereign, and things will be as they are going to be anyway, why bother to pray? There are several reasons. The first is really all we need to know: God has told us to pray. It is a commandment, and if we love Him, we obey His commands.

Second, Jesus prayed. People sometimes say that the only reason for prayer is that we need to be changed. Certainly we do, but that is not the only reason to pray. Jesus did not need to be changed or made more holy by praying. He was communing with His Father. He asked for things. He thanked God. In His Gethsemane prayer, He besought His Father to prevent what was about to take place. He also laid down His own will.

Third, prayer is a law of the universe. God ordained that certain physical laws should govern the operation of this world. Books simply will not stay put on a table without the operation of the law of gravity. There are spiritual laws as well. Certain things will not happen without the operation of prayer. Everything we pray for could occur in the same way, but that is not how things were arranged.

Keep A Quiet Heart.

"Certain things will not happen without the operation of prayer."

Would you like to share with me what you think Elisabeth means by this. I have a few ideas, but I don't quiet know how far to take this idea.

The old 'God is in control. We have no control' is making that statement difficult for me to grasp.

I pray for healing for others every day. But I don't believe that their healing hinges on my prayers (alone). I view it more as a humble request.

I can see how prayer changes me and motivates me to action. That I can understand.

I'm sure there is a scripture that backs this statement up, but I just can't think of one right now. Can you think of one?

It is an interesting premise anyway. What do you think?

Pray for one another :o)

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