Well...at least my children.
They can not all look good in the same picture.
I took a bunch of photos over the weekend and not one of them is nice of all four of the kids. I have a digital camera so I know they are not turning out...but they will not tolerate the photo line up, over and over again!
And bless Emma.
She had to try three times before her Easter outfit was okayed by the fashion police.
First, the skirt was too short.
Second, dad says no to the jean skirt. Wear a khaki one instead.
Third one was a winner.
We are the wrench in her fashion expression.
But it did cheer her up to get to pull a pretty purple sweater out of the birthday stash. A few days early.

Can't you smile Matthew?

There that's better :o)
Be always coming home boys!
I love you!
Katie's dress is an extreme hand-me-down. It is a Florence Eiseman worn by her cousins Ellie, Bridget, Dani, Sydney, sister Emma...and now Katie. It looks brand new and is one of my favorite dresses. This dress will see another generation.
(Florence Eiseman is a dress designer that started selling her things to Marshall Fields over 50 years ago. We wore Florence Eiseman as little girls. They happen to make them in Wisconsin so I have been to the fabulous factory sale many times.)
I have walked everyday.
My calves (the part up by the back of my knees) are sore. I don't think that part of my body has ever been sore before.
And the little muscle right above my elbows is sore.
I am finding muscles that have not been flexed in a long time with my weight training.
A good thing.
We are heading up North for a funeral in Green Bay this afternoon.
My sister-in-law's beloved mother died last week.
Mabel was a true matriarch. And will be sorely missed.
SIL, Susan, will appreciate the support of her family.
Hope you all had a great Easter weekend!
Encourage one another,
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