As I was packing up to leave.
Quinn finally asleep.
He was so good.
His parents were the best helpers and sports!
It is a strange thing to walk into someone's house and ask them to move their baby all over the place...
to move rugs and bring chairs....to sit here and move there.
You really do need to direct. And I think it is something I will get more comfortable doing as I get more experience.
I think, talking with the parents beforehand would be a good time to tell them how things will go and that I will be trying many different things.
Due to the very low light conditions some really cute over the shoulder shots and group shots are too blurry.
I was sad about that.
And due to a rash, we kept the diaper on.
But I am still very happy with the pictures that did turn out.
I couldn't have asked for a better baby and sweeter parents.

This is my favorite ;o)

Here is big sister!!!
She changed her princess costume about six times!!!
She is usually camera shy, but I sure had fun snapping pictures of this cutie!
She looks exactly like her mother!
Lynn and Nancy can probably guess who the mommy is...she is a dead ringer for her mom :o)
I love those beautiful eyes :o)
Which picture do you like best?
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