Two-Word Meme
1. Where is your cell phone? on counter
2. Where is your significant other? at work
3. Your hair? thick, unruly
4. Your mother? loving, funny
5. Your father? devoted, tease
6. Your favorite thing?
7. Your dream last night? no dream
8. Your favorite drink? diet dr. pepper
9. Your dream/goal? family near
11. Your hobby? blogging, photography
12. Your fear? poor choices
13. Where you want to be in 6 years? successful photographer
14. Where were you last night? Sensoria party
15. What you're not? thin, decorator
16. Muffins? top, please
17. One of your wish list items? Paris, Maui
18. Where you grew up? Elmhurst, Wheaton
20. What are you wearing? flimsey jammies
21. Your TV? my friend
22. Your pets? Sassy Cat
23. Your computer? pretty Mac
24. Your life? beautiful, blessing
25. Your mood? positive, hopeful
26. Missing someone? always, always
27. Your car? Volvo wagon
28. Something you're not wearing? teeny bikini
29. Favorite store? Whole Foods
30. Your summer? blank slate
31. Like someone? every one
32. Your favorite color? pink, green
33. When is the last time you laughed? last night
34. Last time you cried? relating House
I spotted this meme at Dana's and thought it would be fun.
Now I know this many questions scares you away...so do the ones that you find interesting and easy, okay?
Ugly Betty. Please choose Gio.
I love the Betty and Gio story line.
Have I said that already?
Grey's Finale.
I was gone and will watch it shortly.
Was it good?
House Finale.
Cried and Cried.
And then told Emma the story in the car.
And cried again.
Katie says from the back seat, "It's not real. It's just tv."
Emma replies to Katie, "Sometimes tv reminds you of something real."

Katie wants to get a hair cut.
I think we will do that this weekend....somehow. I have been waiting for my Heather to return to work....
but I don't think Katie can wait.
We have absolutely NOTHING planned for this weekend.
We will not be taking a country drive.
Gas nearing $4.00.
Can you think of another product that we use that has had such a huge price
jump? So big of an increase that your pocketbook and life has been changed?
I can't think of one. But, perhaps I am missing something from my childhood.
Did you hear about the man who drilled for oil on his land in Indiana?
He is producing 3 barrels a day!
And that's the point I want to make.
Come on Americans! We can do it.
Innovate. Create. Put on your thinking caps.
This can be solved.
This is what we do. We invent and capitalize on stuff.
Go! inventors. Go! great minds.
We are depending on you.
Are you doing something special this weekend?
I'd love to hear about it.
Encourage one another,
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